List your HAKEEM OLAJUWONS and EDDIE GRIFFINS, even commons

With your post include what you want. If you only list a $5 card please don't say I'm looking for GU, autos and RC's.
WANT All of Hakeem "the dream"Olajuwon that I don't have.
I have 44% of ALL Hakeems.
I have 44% of ALL Hakeems.
Shaquille O'Neal
Indianapolis Colts
Jeff Gordon
AIM: mbd183424
ref; sportsguy247, clippers21fan,
ahares,samsgirl214, cardnyou,
donniebaseball23, bradley25,
duncangal, battier, josher416
speedmaster, SkiVermont3,netfan5
I have 44% of ALL Hakeems.
Tedcollects shaq, I am interested but I live in Australia so shipping for the bobble head would probably be a fair bit.
I have 44% of ALL Hakeems.
i remember where i got the card at a flea market along with 2 others barkley and magic. lmk if you want it or not.
ref; sportsguy247, clippers21fan,
ahares,samsgirl214, cardnyou,
donniebaseball23, bradley25,
duncangal, battier, josher416
speedmaster, SkiVermont3,netfan5
i also have many olajuwons
most of each card are very high end from $10-$200.00
Please see my site at Beckett under
Tunemans house of cards
Email me directly at
If your interested, make an offer, we'll worry about getting it there after we agree to trade....
tuneman, could you give me a link.
TEDCOLLECTSSHAQ, to send a box of cards to Australia has always cost me $12-$17 in shipping which is a fair bit. If still interested roughly what value you looking for. PM me.
I have 44% of ALL Hakeems.
Refs: Boopopo2, Samsgirl214, Remster, Chillinbij, SkiVermont3, dallas822, RepresentCards, Koolman2005
Ebayer in Perfect Standing (kfcjock)