Images Not Uploading

I've been trying to upload photos to my Registry sets yesterday/ today- no luck. Sometimes I get an error message and nothing uploads, other times a photo icon loads but not the actual photo.
Anyone else having troubles, or is it just me?
I love them Barber Halves.....
hello. i posted about the same time as you in the Q&A section. yes, i have had the exact same problem
still not working, must be broke broke
Me too
My Indians
Danco Set
Still not working....
yup no luck here either still
I posted in the other thread - same here. It was my 1str try and thought it just lied about accepting our photos.

The problem has been fixed- it's working now.
2/21/2022 @ 10:00 MT Still not working here
My Indians
Danco Set
I had the same problem from Friday on, but this afternoon I was able to load all of my photos for the past few days. I don’t know how to describe the following, but I seemed to have easier success using the screen one gets from clicking on the cert number of the coin first, and then using the “Add Photo” button.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
I just tried it again and everything is working again. Now the task of adding the pics for last weekends purchases
I live for this!
My Indians
Danco Set
I finally got a chance to try it last nite, and confirm - worked for me too.