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I'm Paying for front facing card images - Please Read

hamilton888hamilton888 Posts: 104 ✭✭✭

Collectors - I have started a massive project called vintagerip.com - a place where vintage collectors can virtually rip vintage packs. You can simulate ripping vintage packs from 18 different baseball sets currently right on the home page. If you register for the site (will always be 100% free) you can do much more, like compete against other collectors, build collections and sets, play card-themed games, earn virtual money for ripping the most expensive packs, grade, auction, sell, and trade your virtual cards, and much, much more.

Feel free to try the site with or without registering. It is a ton of fun and has garnered excellent feedback. The average visitor spends about 40 minutes on the site. That said, it is still a work in progress and I continue to gather feedback.

The main point of this post, however, is to solicit requests to those of you who may have individual front-facing card images of each card in a given set, or, who might be willing to gather such images. In trying to develop this site to its fullest potential, I need front-facing images of each card of countless different sets. Specifically, I am looking for baseball, basketball, and football sets (maybe major non-sports too) from the 50s-90s. Images should be numbered 1,jpg, 2.jpg, to correspond with the correct number (e.g. card 1 in a set should be 1.jpg). Cards need to be raw and positioned straight vertically. Hi-def images are preferred, but may not be 100% necessary depending on image quality.

I am paying $75 per set (with all numbered front-facing images), excluding those from sets that are already on the site. Payment would include permission to use images on the site. Check the site for what sets I've already collected images for, or, run them by me.

Minimum 400-card sets. No traded sets are really small sets


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