Central American Republic 8 reales 1826/5 - is my coin an overdate?

I have never identified this overdate before, but after seeing high resolution photos of one this morning, I inspected a coin I own closely and I think I might also have an overdate.
This coin PCGS graded as 1826/5:
This one is mine:
Mine also has the same reverse die as the overdate example which is easy to identify by a big die crack on both. And here is what the shape of the 5 looks like:
To identify the overdate on both coins I am looking at the angular part coming down from the top to the left, and the rounded part on the right side. So what do you think? Am I seeing things or do I have it right?
Hard to say...
A note on a scale addressing the keys of a piano S.E.. ?.
Slang. ?
Looks like a clean strike.
Wright a letter and get an answer from the origin.
I think more likely yes than no, but it's pretty weak.
8 Reales Madness Collection
I managed to take a better picture.
Maybe . Just maybe... look at the pieces of the six.

Also below the six is another image.
Who, what , when, where and how is maybe just a quawinkeedink.
Thanks - now I think more likely yes than no
8 Reales Madness Collection