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Greysheet/CDN Kudos

I just want to put in a pitch for CDN Greysheet and its hard-working staff. I was doing a difficult appraisal late last week and posted something here in haste and what I'm about to say is a direct contradiction to virtually all of it:

  1. They have really given attention to both recent and long-term changes in the market. Their pricing is better than ever. Especially with the lower-end material I see daily, recent adjustments, many in the upward direction, have more accurately reflected a resurgence of interest in the hobby and new collectors entering the market.
  2. They have a good suite of products with Greysheet, CDN, and the associated apps. I've been using them heavily and should probably be upgrading to their more expert set of tools. These let you price things on the fly and with greater detail and more categories than ever before.
  3. Their customer service team is fast to help and respond, even at odd times in the day and week.
  4. Their staff are accessible and supportive to customers at every level.

I was having difficulty, really not with regard to any aspect of their offerings but with the way I was approaching things, and never expected them to step in so fast and so thoroughly. So with this retraction and apology I hope people will be spurred to take advantage of their offerings. I welcome anyone who concurs with this to share the experiences they have had.

Marc Rosner
Hudson Valley Numismatics


  • JohnFJohnF Posts: 306 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you Marc! I am so happy we could work this out and get back on track.

    John Feigenbaum
    Whitman Brands: President/CEO (www.greysheet.com; www.whitman.com)
    PNG: Executive Director (www.pngdealers.org)

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