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WTB: Coins with Penguins on them

horseyridehorseyride Posts: 178 ✭✭✭

Wanted: Specific coins to round out a collection of penguin coins

If they are not on this list, 99% chance I already have it, but thank you for looking!

1995 Gibraltar Christmas Penguin Parade a/k/a Penguins Parading 50 Pence, gold or platinum km336b km336c

2012 British Antarctic Territory (BAT), Centenary of Terra Nova Expedition, Pobjoy Mint, 11mm Gold only, 0.5g, 2£ KM#6b

1994 Cook Islands "Mother's Love" penguin, $4 (1/30 oz), $20 (1/5 oz) or $100 (1/2 oz) gold coins,
I've got the most common 1/20th ounce; the distribution on these seems to have been limited to Japan and usually is mounted in jewelry, which I do not want

2000 Somalia Marine Life Protection 5000 Shillings, gold, 1oz, 37mm colorized

“1936” Edward VIII Falkland fantasy coins -- FM14a two-penguin silver, FM14b two-penguin gold, FM37d one-penguin silver piedfort, FM36a one-penguin 22mm silver , FM36b one-penguin 22mm gold , Brass, Windsor FM85a , Windsor FM85b, Windsor FM85c, Windsor FM84a

2007 North Korea 60,000 WON penguin 1oz gold KM1164. No Image.
If you happen to be visiting North Korea, stop by a coin shop, and I'll be happy to reimburse you should you ever return

2008 British Antarctic Territory Centenary of Granting of Letters Patent, £4 gold and £20 gold, KM#2 ( 21.2g, 13.92 mm) KM#3 (6.2g, 22 mm)

2001 South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands
Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton with the Endurance Twenty Pounds, gold only, Pobjoy Mint, 22mm, 6.22grams, KM8

1988 Gibraltar, Year of the Ocean. Seals and penguins 1/5 Crowns, gold only, Pobjoy Mint,22mm, 6.22grams, km742



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