Anyone know who these NBA autographs are of or from?

I have a good size collection of autographed game worn NBA shoes. I have two shoes that I cannot figure out whose they are and they were purchased in the late 80's or early 90's. I would be grateful if anyone can help figure it out. I think that possibly one of them is Willie Burton but not positive?
I'll take a guess. Shoe on left kind of looks like Jerry Stackhouse. But am no expert. Other one no idea.
Close up pictures where we can actually see the autographs would help get more responses.
Sorry, Let me try getting you another and it is attached here. Thank you, Ed.
Sharpened it as much as possible.
I can attribute one of the sigs to willie burton, looks like early 90s miami heat era --oddly the opposite shoe has a #34 (burton's number)-- I have no idea what is written above it.
Thank you for confirming the Wille Burton autograph. I knew I had one somewhere but just couldn't read them. Hopefully I can get a hit on the other one.