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A few items for sale, including an Aqueous Test, Desert Shield, a '93 Finest Refractor, & others...

onefasttalononefasttalon Posts: 1,207 ✭✭✭

I have a few items up for grabs. Let me know if you want a pic of the back of anything.
Shipping is included. Paypal FF is preferred, however reg. goods/services is fine if you cover the 3% fees.
By all means, let me know if you have any questions!

'93 Finest Refractor Chris Sabo PSA 10 - $400.
Apologies for the phone pic, these are difficult to 'scan'

'90 Donruss Aqueous Test Chris Sabo PSA 9 - $300
Pop 2... I submitted and still own both. Only selling the one though.
This is a strong 9!

'91 Topps Desert Shield Chris Sabo PSA 10 - $200

'87 Topps Barry Bonds PSA 10 - $280

'09 Bowman Chrome Refractor Joey Votto PSA 10 - SOLD!
I noticed one of these is listed on eBay now, and listed at $499.99... a tad high IMO.

'18 Stadium Club Chrome Refractor Joey Votto Auto PSA 10 - $350
This one is S/N'd 1/5. It's a sticker auto, but still very sweet!

'84 Topps Highlights auto'd by all three: Bench, Yaz, and Perry - SOLD!

'86 Topps Jerry Rice PSA 8 - SOLD!
This is a super high-end and well centered!

'18 Allen & Ginter Roberto Clemente Relic - $350
This card is at least mint.

'18 Allen & Ginter Jackie Robinson Relic - $250
This card is at least mint.

'14 Allen & Ginter Hank Aaron Relic - $200
This card is at least mint.

Appreciate your time and consideration!

ALWAYS Looking for Chris Sabo cards!

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