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Harpers Ferry Tilted Hub Doubling?

These Harper Ferry have a lot going on. I see a lot of these on this coin. This one on the H has it on both sides. Would you say this is Tilted Hub doublig? Using ERROR-REF.COM as a reference.


  • OldhoopsterOldhoopster Posts: 2,930 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I don't think it is. These dies were made using the single squeeze process. I don't see how it could leave an extra impression on both sides of the H. My guess is a worn die on the incused letters.

    I'm waiting for others to comment

    Member of the ANA since 1982
  • cmerlo1cmerlo1 Posts: 7,928 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Machine doubling on incuse lettering can look like hub doubling. I think that's what's going on here.

    You Suck! Awarded 6/2008- 1901-O Micro O Morgan, 8/2008- 1878 VAM-123 Morgan, 9/2022 1888-O VAM-1B3 H8 Morgan | Senior Regional Representative- ANACS Coin Grading. Posted opinions on coins are my own, and are not an official ANACS opinion.

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