Super Bowl Tickets... Hype?

Last Sunday morning I started a thread about ticket prices for the Ram/Niner game. There was a last minute rush of people buying $350(?) tickets for $1,500-$2000. The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant sold two of our tickets. Her only regret was that the buyers might be Niner fans. They were. I thought it was nuts to pay that much. Anyway, before the game, I was listening to the Chiefs/Bengals game on the radio. The announcer said that the median ticket price for the Super Bowl was at $9,000. Highest ever. So......I asked a couple of people who sit in the same section that I do about it. They told me that the ticket price in our section was at $38,000! I didn't believe it ....but.....Last night The Lovely Mrs Hydrant told me the tickets are now at $45,000+! And.....that the tickets in the section next to ours is in the $60,000+ range. Up to $70,000 even! I think it's all hype and that anyone who pays those prices now is a fool and is going to get burned. In my opinion it's all speculation and the ticket prices will come back down to Earth as the game gets closer, and then just before the game ticket prices will CRASH! I could be wrong but either way I don't think I'll be going to the game....Oh, well....
Comments you may or may not know, the ticket sales for the Super Bowl are controlled by the NFL. Not the two competing teams. The NFL makes the big money off the ticket sales. So....I have heard talk that if the ticket prices for the Ram/Bengals game hold up and are legit, that the NFL may decide that the Super Bowl has a new permanent home. Direct quote from secret source, "Everybody wants to come to Southern California for the game.....and they're paying big bucks." I doubt it happens but it's all about the money. So, who knows?
Just checked our ticket system at work. Last time I looked at SB packages, when we had them for the bowl here in ATL, they averaged about 5k/per. Nothing for this game in LA as SOFI is a Pepsi house.
I went to the Super Bowl in Atlanta. The Rams offered us some type of last minute sweet deal..don't remember the details. We bought 3 tickets.....they were around $1,000 each. That is the reason I think Super Bowl ticket prices are driven by speculation and hype....personal experience. BUYER BEWARE!
To add, the package with the tickets had like everything included, all the fan experience stuff. I could be off on the price though, I do recall the Masters packages always being 5k/ea so maybe they weren't that much for the bowl.
We got the perks included with our tickets as well....I think it was just food, maybe discounts on Hotel rooms, whatever. I don't remember.
When the Eagles played in Minnesota a few years back, my friends paid $ 8K for tickets before they left Philly. By game time, they said people would pay almost 3X that amount.
I guess I'm out of the loop.....UNBELIEVABLE!!!
I've never been to one, but at one point our company had done enough advertising to get tickets to a SB game. the two guys that went told us that there was just all kinds of money floating around out there. Lavish parties galore. Money was not a problem. If someone wanted something, they just went out and bought it. That's why I think people will pay crazy $$$.
I searched yesterday for tics
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Thanks, Mark....good info. My seats are in Plaza Club 244. $17,250. Outrageous but way more believable than the $38,000-$45,000 I've been hearing about. Who knows what to believe..... Anyway... Thanks!
Whatever..... I'll be watching the game on T.V.
Sections 246, 131, and 132 is where the "Beautiful People" hang out. You know...."Beverly Hills....Swimming Pools...Movie Stars." The people in those sections are so busy taking pictures of each other and taking selfies of themselves that they don't have time to watch the game......Anyway, I heard tickets in those sections were going for $90,000!......Total B.S. in my opinion..... It's all a crock.
A good buddy of mine has 2 Super Bowl tickets, 40-yard line box seats. He paid $2,500 each but he didn't realize last year when he bought them, it was going to be on the same day as his wedding. Probably because of the extra game this year.
If you’re interested, he’s looking for someone to take his place.
It's at Temple Bethel Synagogue in Laguna Beach at 3pm. The bride's name is Nicole, she's 5'4", about 115 pounds, good cook too. She'll be in the white dress.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Anybody that pays that kind of money to watch a game needs to have their head examined. Its free on tv and a lot less aggravating . I wish I had some of those tickets though as I would for sure be selling them as quickly as I could find some idiot to buy them.