Found this at Goodwill. Any Baseball fans that could help?

This was at the sports section of a Goodwill. I don't think they noticed it was signed, otherwise they'd upcharge it or auction it off. It seems to be D and W for initials and #35. Anyone have any clue who this could be?
Dave Winfield? What year and what is it? Explain.
I'm trying to upload a picture xD
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that you obtained.
Dontrelle Willis
Yeah I was thinking that too or David Weathers. Why do you think Dontrelle?
Looks like it matches certified autos from Dontrelle’s early seasons.
Yeah I think I see what you guys are saying now. Looks like a match to me.
Well you would have to give a clue to the year of the mini-helmet in that case.
Well then I guess it is Weathers. Almost gold.
I actually think it is Willis. Check out this signed Willis ball and compare. Weathers also never really wrote only initials from what I can tell on his autos. Willis did.
He was 15 yrs. old in 1997.
I was thinking that it could have been a helmet someone held onto and he signed it later on. That or maybe they still sold these while he played.
That is a quite reasonable scenario.
They been known to do stuff like that ..