Rams/NINERS Ticket Prices

It's gone absolutely insane. The Hydrant Family has 10 season tickets for the Rams. The normal price of the tickets, is bad enough in my opinion. And the tickets are priced on a sliding scale. The tickets for the Bucs game were higher priced than for the Lions game, etc. But for the game today the tickets are modestly priced. Who knows why?.....Anyway, we are all set to go to the game and things are going NUTS! The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant has just now informed me that she is getting offers to buy our tickets for $1,500-$2,000 each. She has sold two. I guess two little Hydrants won't be going to the game. My question is this: WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD PAY THAT MUCH MONEY FOR A LOUSY FOOTBALL TICKET? It's crazy! Anyway, I'm going to the game and I'm not going to think about the money I'm losing by not selling the tickets. It is what it is.
The game is on T.V. for crying out loud! Stay home save your money! People are either nuts or they have too much money. I suspect it's the former. 😵 or 🤑? Either way they're trying their best to wreck my day.
capitalism is a beautiful thing fire hydrant
enjoy the game my friend
oh, and i've upped the ante for a picture
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
For Funny Money like that......I'M SELLING. 😲
Things are looking up! The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant just now sold the seat that her sister sits in. So now I won't have to listen to my sister-in-law's non-stop stupid babbling in the back seat to and from the game! It's A WIN-WIN! 😁