Need Help with Japanese Coin or Character

I recently purchased a study lot of Japanese cash. I was able to get some sort of handle on 9 of the 10 coins, but despite going through Hartill's Japanese cash reference, I could not place the coin below. The character at 12:00 is a puzzler, but I am certain that I have seen it before. Anyone here have any idea about the coin or the character?
Honors flysis Income beezis Onches nobis Inob keesis
This is the top character in type: 弘
But I cannot read the left and right characters very well and don't have my book handy.
In fact, the top, right, and bottom seem to be: 弘浄光
I just can't make out the left.
I was looking for the transliteration of the top character. The rest of the legend reads, I believe, ? Gen Tsu Ho. Top to bottom to right to left. How would you pronounce 弘 ?
Kanji have at least two readings. I think the one you need is "hiroi". The other is "gou" where "ou" is the long o (sometimes Romanized as o with a line over the top).
Thank you very much! Let me see if I can get anywhere, now.
Correction: The Chinese reading is "gu" not "gou". Another is "kou" or "kō"
The Japanese reading is "hiroi" or "hiro".
The coin bears the legend of a Southern Ming (Chinese rebel) coin, Hong Guang tong bao type.
This same legend is recorded among the numerous Vietnamese copies of Chinese coins, but not among the legends copied by Japanese merchants for trade with Vietnam, so I suspect this is one of those native Vietnamese copies, rather than Japanese in origin.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
If Vietnamese, that would explain the description's lack in Hartill's book.