E-bay Big-time Sellers

How could some of these vendors have an endless supply of proof coins and start there auction prices
so low?
Did they buy them by the truckload somewhere? Just curious & asking for an opinion.
How could some of these vendors have an endless supply of proof coins and start there auction prices
so low?
Did they buy them by the truckload somewhere? Just curious & asking for an opinion.
They send them in big economy batches to the TPGs to get 70 grades to sell at a premium. The 69s just get dumped, often below grading cost so it’s just a cost-recovery play with those.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
As far as starting prices go... if, instead of starting low you start near retail, it's not really much of an auction, is it?
what type of 'proof coins' are you referring to?
year range and denomination range would be helpful.
I think he's referring to modern mint proofs
Yes mostly mods, some older proofs thrown in though not many. Mostly quarters, half dollars, some paper.
Are they top pops or just below? Some companies buy hundreds of an issue from the mint, and bulk submit the best, Some grade very well, others are break even or slight loss and they blow them out on eBay.
They're proofs PR-65?