Error on 1976 penny?

Hello everyone! I am very new at this (coin collecting & this forum) I would like to ask you guys if this is a significant penny. Found in circulation, it has a defect on the E in liberty.
(Added new pictures for clarity)
Hello everyone! I am very new at this (coin collecting & this forum) I would like to ask you guys if this is a significant penny. Found in circulation, it has a defect on the E in liberty.
(Added new pictures for clarity)
Welcome to the forum!
A little hard to tell but it looks like post mint damage (PMD)
Thanks for answering
I added new pictures, if you wouldn't mind looking again.
This one shows it best.

Great job with the photos!
Yep, post mint damage.

Most likely just got hit by another coin in circulation
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Looks PMD to me
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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