Rams Embarrassed By Presence of 49er Fans At Game...Part #2

in Sports Talk
My sincere apologies to Dragon Master. He of course was correct.....Grasshopper has much to learn.......Grasshopper wrong....Master....please forgive lowly student of all mighty WISE ONE. With permission..... I shall try to explain my error......ask forgiveness.... PLEASE!!!!
If Holyfield can forgive Tyson for eating his ear, then I can forgive you. Carry on grasshopper, the floor is yours.
Dragon Master......please forgive lowly HOPPER...but.....The all Knowing, All Seeing. Wise One is STUPID FUNNY!! 😉😂😂😂😂😂
The NFL reported the attendance at 70,000. My buddy said they never showed the upper decks of the stadium. Was the attendance 70K or tickets sales?
Anyone notice?
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
I was there.... The place wad packed! I have never been among a more joyous crowd in my life!!! Friendly happy people...... It was a HIGH! The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant summed it up perfectly..... "There was ENERGY in the air.". ......Hey,...about the upper deck.....during the game, I told my wonderful daughter in law Monica, that I wanted to go up there to the most highest and in the most corner seat to check it out......she told me, " No!"......so I didn't do it......but......the place was packed to the rafters.......the Rams fans had a WONDERFUL experience at the game! Oh!....it was great.......most wonderful sporting event that I've ever been too!!!!! Hand shakes from the boys.....and hugs and kisses from the pretty girls..... all around! Hey,.....I LOVE L.A.!!!!!!!
I have been busy the past few days grasshopper, I'm having to help my mom out, she has to go to the doctor about her diabetes, and she doesn't like to go to the doctors, she's stubborn, so I have to make sure she gets there, I haven't been able to post as much as I want to. Not to worry grasshopper, I'm staying in shape.
Awesome!!! Glad to hear it. There’s nothing like the experience of an NFL playoff game. I’ve been lucky enough to experience an AFL championship game and Super Bowl 25.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.