I have a question about this insert

Okay, so I picked this one up off of eBay. First off, generation 4.0 speaks of such a holder/insert as having the barcode on the reverse. Check. But it doesn't speak of the missing coin/type numbers that are missing on this one.
(Was there a slab that was made between the 3.0 and the 4.0 not mentioned?)
I thought it was an early faked slab, but the cert number checks out. Maybe someone with more knowledge will chime in.
The museum of holders page mentions that certain coins did not include a series and coin number. Ikes don't appear to fall into the list of exceptions but maybe they did?

I found a better answer from an old Conder thread (his numbering is different and includes more types):
"PCGS 6 In Nov of 98 PCGS dropped the green label in favor of the current light blue. This first light blue variety usually stikes people as being odd but they have problems putting their finger on exactly why. On this variety the date is found in the upper left hand corner and the denomination/type is in the upper right corner. In the center of the second line is PCGS and the grade. The serial number is at the center of the bottom label, and the barcode has been banished to the back label. The PCGS coin and seris numbers do not appear on this variety!! This variety was only used for circulation type coins (including proofs). For Bullion coins, and Commemoratives see PCGS 7. This variety was only used in Nov and Dec of 1998."
The write up is right.
I can’t say definitively but the font or kerning or weight seem off
Every time I see these labels I think I need to triple check them then I do.
The coin looks genuine, too