Are we allowed to discuss "snipers." -electronic bidders?

in Q & A Forum
Are we allowed to discuss "snipers. in the forum" like last-second electronic bidders?
Today is the first day of the rest of my life
I would say no. Rules and Guidelines mention posts should pertain to discussions related to coins and libelous/attacking remarks are frowned upon. While I don't participate in auctions, last-second bids make perfect sense to me. If you can't beat them, join them comes to mind.
USAF veteran 1984-2005
I have sniped on eBay. I can’t always stay up
late enough to see how the bidding is going so I will occasionally submit a snipe. Don’t see that as a problem
all I wish to know what the best sniper is or the 3 best ones????
thank you
If you use the forum search feature and search "snipe" you should have all the answers you need.
thank you