I'm a bit confused regarding E-Bucks

I received the E-Bucks bonus in the summer and maxed it out rather quickly. I used the certificate and waited for another offering.
Nothing until 2 days before year end. I bought two coins and used the Bucks in January.
I was interested when it appeared that a 1% E-bucks offering was starting anew.
Now, I look and it's gone.
I guess E-Bay is using the E-bucks bonus when they have promotion money available?
Has anyone received any recent offerings?
There was some speculation that ebay might start up the 1% e-bucks for purchases again at the start of the year, but looks like it was not so. Most likely they will continue to offer a promo from time to time, but they seem to be rather infrequent recently.
I believe they had a 5% last week. I Didn't get the offer though.
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