Japanese Cast Coins Query

Does anyone here know of any trustworthy vendor who deals with this genre?
Honors flysis Income beezis Onches nobis Inob keesis
Does anyone here know of any trustworthy vendor who deals with this genre?
Maybe Clark Smith? http://www.coinvault.com/japan.htm
Wow. Clark Smith. I haven't thought of him, in years. I did take a look, but his current inventory mostly is milled coinage. From his archive, though, some very interesting items. Thank you for the tip!
Yes, agreed, but I think he can help you. Very knowledgeable and personable.
I will follow up with him, if I decide to take the plunge, as I did with Chinese cash. Just won a small lot on eBay, so I will know soon enough if I am hooked.
And there is a Japanese Cash Coins book. I got mine on Amazon.
Yes. I just purchased that Hartill book, from Amazon, too. Hartill's Cast Chinese Coins is a must for collecting that genre.
Def contact him. His website might not have everything up.