Help with "Coins of Persia"

I recently acquired a small group of ancients (for lack of a better word)
These two were simply labeled Coins of Persia
Can you all help me identify them, date them... value even?
Thank you.
I recently acquired a small group of ancients (for lack of a better word)
These two were simply labeled Coins of Persia
Can you all help me identify them, date them... value even?
Thank you.
Too obscure? Can they be dated? Can anyone point me to a reference guide online?
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I would guess they are Mughal, C17+
I appreciate that as it gave me something to google. I've read the Wiki page and searched images from there. Many rupees that are close but no exact matches so far.
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Try Persia Qajar dynasty.
Similar to the smaller image:
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
That is close, thanks. The circle of ribbons was one of the markers I was looking for.
Also, that website is akin to "needle in a haystack" searching when you know next to nothing. Wow!
This one is pretty close to the larger one...
Qajar » Muhammad Shah, 1250-1264 » AR qiran, 4th standard, type D, 1254-1264

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Yes. Those coins are both from the Persia Qajar dynasty.
Coin on the left is from an earlier king: Muhammad Shah Qajar - Mint of Tehran.
The one on the right is from Nasir Al Din Shah - Mint of Astarsbad.