Does anyone know of a coin box that holds the PCGS 2 coin slab? Solution found,,,,,,, photo added

Like the ones used for the 2021 2-coin Gold Eagle Sets? Cardboard or plastic is OK.
Anyone have any for sale?

Like the ones used for the 2021 2-coin Gold Eagle Sets? Cardboard or plastic is OK.
Anyone have any for sale?
Gunna bump it up. I’m certain there’s someone out there with information , we’ll see who we snag with the bump😉🙀
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Are these not the right size? I have not actually seen the dimensions of the double slabs.
Thanks for the link but those boxes are too big for what I want.
They measure - 4-7/8 Deep x 6-3/8 Wide x 4-1/4 High
It says they are for 4 & 5 coin holders.
The dual coin slab measures 3 1/4" tall by 4 1/2" wide.
I guess I will search and see if I can find a box closer to this size.
Well,,,,,,,,, I searched The World Over (where is this line from)?
and I think this 10 coin slab box will work just fine.

If I sit them sideways I believe that I can fit 6 pcs of 2 coin holders in it perfectly.
Well, the box arrived today and it is a perfect fit for the dual slab holder. I can fit 6 of them in the box.

I am sort of surprised PCGS does not have a box to fit their slabs. They must not slab enough to make tooling up worth the cost.
I’m surprised ANACS doesn’t put out a well designed product that holds at least the big 3 slabs. 🧐
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
The red box also will hold NGC & ICG slabs and the lid closes all the way and snaps shut and locks with the tabs.
I have some of those. I wish PCGS/NGC would make a 10 coin box as well as their 20's.
Where, where, are you tonight?
Why did you leave me here all alone?
I searched the world over,
And thought I found true love.
You met another and
Phht! you were gone.
You left out 1 word,,,,
You are right, but I copied those lyrics from some web site.
Besides leaving out the word, I also think it was more like "Pbblt! You were gone". Raspberry kind of thing.
Where oh where did you find this cool box?
Where oh where else,,,,,,,,, eBay.
Make sure you get a US seller as most are from China and will take 2 months to get here,,,,, if you don't mind waiting the boxes are all made by the same company I believe. The seller I got mine from I just bought his last box. There are more US sellers out there.
China is my guess but I hear there’s distribution available for LA and NJ. The 20 count generic boxes are products of China but they also are being held stateside by a couple sellers. I’ve got a couple of the blue ones. Holds most slabs by using an angled slot but that makes them longer than pcgs or ngc. Very cool idea for the red boxes. Some use them as they store well, don’t take up so much space. 👍🏼
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Brovo! Maybe a grooved/slotted piece of shipping foam/styrofoam in the bottom will hold them firm (like the curved baseball coins)
Thank you! I just ordered one. I have exactly six 2021 PCGS 2-coin slabs.
- Ike Group member
- DIVa (Designated Ike Varieties) Project co-lead and attributor
NGC makes one, so I'd think PCGS should as well. And I agree with you davewesen, NGC needs a 10 coin box. On that note, why are they double the price of PCGS boxes? Even used. Just bought 8 from MCM for $12.49 each new, the cheapest I've found, but the PCGS are $6.39 or $3.99 used from Wizard.
It must be the amount made/supply. PCGS sends out a box with every submission, so those that submit a lot tend to have tons of boxes they don't need (and are likely glad to sell for a minimal amount). NGC sends subs back in cardboard boxes, so the only way to get a plastic box is to buy it.