Washington Football Team
in Sports Talk
Now the Admirals. Not a fan
Positive BST transactions: agentjim007, cohodk, CharlieC, Chrischampeon, DRG, 3 x delistamps, djdilliodon, gmherps13, jmski52, Meltdown, Mesquite, 2 x nibanny, themaster, 2 x segoja, Timbuk3, ve3rules, jom, Blackhawk, hchcoin, Relaxn, pitboss, blu62vette, Jfoot13, Jinx86, jfoot13,Ronb
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
The name washington football team or club - whatever they refer to the franchise as is disgusting. It sounds more like a soccer club! Maybe they will start playing with a round ball, as they may be afraid of someone being hurt by a pointy end of a real football !
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
Washington Snyders!
Yes, I believe this information was leaked, and here is a photo that leaked of their new helmet with the Admirals logo on it.
Hopefully instead this is a ruse and it is really Red Hogs.
Regardless I’m still calling them the Redskins
As most will.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
The Washington Veterans- that is my official guess
I don't think the organization is progressive enough to ditch Washington in favor of DC so my previous entry of the DC Washingtonians has been replaced...
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Edited to add: this links to NFL.com