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I have a 2001 Upper Deck MVP #60 Ichiro Suzuki rookie card for sale.

I have a 2001 Upper Deck MVP #60 Ichiro Suzuki rookie card..... book value is $18.00. I will sale it for $10.00. + a sase.

Please let me know if anyone is interested.

Thank You.
Michael Baskin
I Collect Game-Used Baseball Cards.

CU Refs:
playr050, Nash, Patman2011, Sosa21, Car, co1lector,
weasel510, yanyak5, JRCCRUM, Mikefromchester, & ljmaya.


  • Sorry to tell ya but the card only books $15 not $18.
    refs: Baird34, KLS23, ILuvSportsCards, NoDoubt64, Playr050, Samsgirl, Z28, Chillinbj(2),Gohalos

    Looking for GU, AUTOs and RCs of Jeter, Ripken, Schmidt, Yastremski, Maris, Mantle, Ruth, Williams, Mays, Mattingly.
    My Site
  • no beckett books it for $18
    I collect cards of these players: Mike Hampton , Ripken , Chipper Jones, A-Rod, Ivan Rodreguez, Derek Jeter, Game-Used & Auto of any Sport. [IMG]C:My Documentsjerome.jpg[IMG]
  • no hate to tell you beckett books it for $15
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