I have been following this...The Eagles have hatched!

USAF (Ret) 1974 - 1994 - The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. Remembering RickO, a brother in arms.
Wrong forum.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood came to mind.
Makes me want to watch the 1968 classic "Where Eagles Dare" once again.
Great movie and intro.
That sounds like good idea
Yea Mark. I agree.
But it's Eagle related.
That’s a true, Pete, but no less off topic. Many coins display Liberty wearing a gown/dress and/or with a ribbon in her hair. So someone might want to start a thread on women’s clothing/accessories.😉
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
But if wearing a crown and holding an olive branch it would be on topic, no?
That could make a fun project for a photographer. Using real life models to recreate various coin Liberty motifs. It would complete the circle as many of those started as real models posing for the designer.
Happy now?
USAF (Ret) 1974 - 1994 - The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. Remembering RickO, a brother in arms.
Only because you asked, no. There are all sorts of interesting (off topic) subjects and pictures that many posters, myself included, would have interest in and would like to post about. Most of us don’t, however.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
where are the chicks (or eaglets)?
Now that is a toughie. Would the next best alternative of a hybrid version - Chiclets work?
Something so awesome about watching bald eagles.
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
It reminds me of the reverse on the a.g.e. 's type 1s