The California-Nevada Token Society

Does anyone have any information on the California Nevada Token Society? They were founded in 1971 and lasted through at least 1976. Was anyone here a member?
I ran across the following tokens on the bay and a mention in the TAMS Journal but no other info so far.
These are stamped 14, 66, and 24 so presumably they had that many members.
There is mention of CNTS in the TAMS Journal on NNP where they donated a copy of the CAL-NEVA TOKEN LEDGER, Volume 4, Number 5. It would be great to have searchable PDFs of all their issues.
Here's their 1976 token.
The 1976 die has the initials DHF and RDT.
A variation of the 1976 die was also used here with the same initials in slightly different locations: DHF and RDT.
Looks like DHF is Duane H. Feisel of Los Altos, California.
The following article mentions both sets of initials on his personal token.
Duane wrote a number of books which are listed on Amazon.,p_27:Duane+H.+Feisel
Feisel's Catalogue of Parking Tokens of the World 1966
by Duane H. Feisel | Jan 1, 1966
California '76: Tokens & medals of the American Revolution Bicentennial
by Stephen Album and Duane H Feisel | Jan 1, 1980
Catalog of Pre-Prohibition California Saloon Tokens
by Duane H. Feisel | Jan 1, 2004
Currently unavailable.
Feisel's Catalogue of Parking Tokens of the World: Third Edition
by J.V. (editor) Feisel. Duane H.; Pelicano | Jan 1, 1988
Currently unavailable.
Catalog of California Food Stamp Credit Tokens 1939-1979 Including Nevada Food Stamp Credit Tokens
by Jerry F Schimmel and Duane H Feisel | Jan 1, 1998
Currently unavailable.
Catalog of California Encased and Stickered Coins
by Duane H Feisel and John Allred and John C Hoffman | Jan 1, 2003
Currently unavailable.
California trade token place names
by Duane H Feisel | Jan 1, 1973
Unknown Binding
Out of Print--Limited Availability.
Thanks for this reference work. Always interesting. Peace Roy
BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW
The NNP has an issue of the publication that mentions Feisel and links him to Jesse Patrick via Meyer & Wenthe.
Personal Tokens and Medals of American Numismatists by Pete Smith who mentions that Feisel was an agent of Meyer & Wenthe, who did work for Jesse Patrick.
This is a recent publication coming out in 2000 and on NNP already.
Here's a store card for Duane H. Feisel. This indicates he was the West Coast representative for Meyer & Wenthe which would put him a good position to provide minting services to the California-Nevada Token Society, Jesse Patrick, and others.
Of note the 1776-1976 California die has a similar look to the Nevada die and also has the two initials: DHF and RDT. I'm still looking for the identity of RDT.
By the way, the 1974 token mentions William A. Williges, who was also in the American Vecturist Association.
I'm surprised that there's so little information on this organization online, given that they seem to have years of journals.
The journals really need to be scanned by the NNP.
Does anyone have a set of journals that can be submitted?
The California Nevada Token Society became the Western States Token Society (WESTS). We had annual shows up until the pandemic and are still active. I expect that the next show will be in early Spring 2022, somewhere in Northern California. P.S. I have just sent all the old journals that I have to the NNP to be scanned, but it is not a complete collection. PPS. DHF is indeed Duane Feisel. Not sure who RDT was.
Very cool. Thanks for the info!
I just did some searches on WESTS and found the following publications and auction: states token society/
WESTS 2019 auction
Here's a WESTS numismatist token from Glenn A. Rome with what looks like a generic WESTS token die.
Was the WESTS token die used for multiple club members?
I've also seen a number of tokens from the Transportation Token Society that seem like they had a common die paired with many numismatist dies.
Great work, @Zoins! Thank you for sharing.
- Ike Group member
- DIVa (Designated Ike Varieties) Project co-lead and attributor
Yes and yes.
Nice! Anyone here have these tokens done with their names?
@Namvet69 and @SPalladino Thanks for the comments!
@SF_numismatics and @tokenpro Thanks for the info!
It's great to learn about the people behind our hobby
My first post here ... I hope it's OK to bump this old thread. I'm moving soon and have been going through boxes of who knows what. I found many journals from the California Nevada Token Society (I was a member for several years) so I may be able to fill in any missing issues. However, I've been out of the hobby for more than 30 years and need some help here ... What is NNP? Is there an obvious way to search it to see what issues have been scanned? Is it clear how to submit materials in case I can fill some blanks?
Frans is still there, don't know about the group the the bordello is doing just fine.