Just picked up $20 in Nickels, any known errors?

The wife just went to the bank and I requested that she try and pick up a few rolls of nickels for me to search through. It looks like they sent $20 worth of all 2021P new nickels. Does anyone know of any errors or varieties for the year?
I've heard of no errors or varieties yet but I haven't seen any Gems for the P or D. I haven't looked at a lot of them but my sample suggests it might be a tough year.
There is the likelihood of errors for every year.
As for varieties, I haven't heard one way or the other.
None known yet for 2021's.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Errors are one-off. There's no such thing as "known errors" for a coin.
2021 coinage seems to have a ton of die chips/breaks just to start with. gotta believe there is some impressive clashing as well but may take some serious searching and results will vary by region of course.
Here's a nice chip I have found so far!
Here's what I found looking at 174 2021 Ds in the bank box I sorted through. Only two had full clean steps, the obverse had minor nicks on these two. All the rest had some sort of nicks, voids, on the very bottom step. I think there is a die break on some at the very top step from the bottom of the left hand column across two or three steps. At first I thought It was just a gouge but several of the coins had the very same mark in the same place. I am in SoCal so all these were Denver mint coins.
I just got another bank box so will see if any more have the same mark. Cheers.
there are a few either different die breaks/chips in that spot or a odd progression. i have several that are different from one another in that same area.
With the newer nickels there is a good chance you will find some with die chips on the reverse for some reason.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Sure there are! While I agree that errors are one-off (and that the O.P. meant "known varieties" instead of "known errors"), there are many types of errors that are unknown for certain series. That said, the opposite would be "known errors" for those same series.
Jesse C. Kraft, Ph.D.
Resolute Americana Curator of American Numismatics
American Numismatic Society
New York City
Member of the American Numismatic Association (ANA), British Numismatic Society (BNS), New York Numismatic Club (NYNC), Early American Copper (EAC), the Colonial Coin Collectors Club (C4), U.S. Mexican Numismatic Association (USMNA), Liberty Seated Collectors Club (LSCC), Token and Medal Society (TAMS), and life member of the Atlantic County Numismatic Society (ACNS).
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