Oh great, we're Jay-Z

in Sports Talk
Hello everyone, I just want to let you know that according to our second year head coach Matt Rule, the Carolina Panthers are Jay-Z, apparently it took Jay-Z seven years to succeed. So in other words, Matt Rhule is going to need at least five more years for the Panthers to succeed!
I guess it could be worse, we could be an 80s one hit wonder, perhaps Right Said Fred. Yes, I shake my little tush on the catwalk.
And I'm, too sexy for my cat, too sexy for my cat, whatcha think about that!
During the Bucs vs Panthers game yesterday, the Panthers fans were chanting "fire Matt Rhule", "fire Matt Rhule", really loud, it's true and it's all over the news today. Look, just take the time to read this, you won't be disappointed.
At Rams games late in the 2016 season, the fans chanted FIRE FISHER!.....FIRE FISHER!....that was basically the only noise the crowd made......except for the groans and sighs about his stupid play calling. I hear Jeff Fisher is currently fishing around for a head coaching job at Eastern Tennessee State.......too bad for them if they hire him......he is the worst...... an imbecile. A junior high school football team would be a challenge for him......elementary school flag football??...... perfect fit!....maybe...
No, nope, there' s nothing to see here!
Oh,......yea!.....What a joker.
I wonder if McCaffrey will be a Panther next season, they should try to get a few draft picks for him if anyone will bite.
I like McCaffrey but we should try to move him, he's just injured too much to help the team, next season he'll get injured again, it's the same thing over and over. But you also have to remember, the Panthers are Jay-Z, the head clown said so, and it's going to take 5 more years to turn this thing around.
And it's not me, this head clown thing is spreading like wild fire down here in Carolina, the fans have officially christened him a clown, he's our head clown.
See what I mean, it's everywhere, all the time.
We got 99 problems but winning ain't one.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
We don't have to worry about winning for at least 5 more years, because we're Jay-Z!
Then, 5 more years after that it'll really start to payoff.

Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
No, I'm afraid the best we can do is...
Oh man, just look at this thread, this is my NFL life. How am I not in an insane asylum?
Sadly,that is exactly what he looked like diving for that SB fumble and after that Beyonce wasn't even thinking of letting you put a ring on it.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
In five years, I will be in an insane asylum, watching the Panthers play on the institution TV. It will probably look something like this.
What a waste of talent him being on that team. Sad. I would love to see him in a Ram uniform...... Him and Kupp would be the DYNAMIC DUO.....Like Kiick and Csonka......with Stafford playing the part of Griese....undefeated! Guaranteed....... I can dream....
Oh my goodess, I was just hanging out, oh my goodness.
If you are posting on this forum, you are in an insane asylum .