mikebyers.com Dealer in Major Mint Errors, Die Trials & Patterns - Author of NLG Best World Coin Book World's Greatest Mint Errors - Publisher & Editor of minterrornews.com.
Please take whatever precautions you are comfortable with.
This is a nasty virus and it doesn't care if you are vaccinated or not.
It would seem it is more about how strong your immune system is.
I had a friend that was 75 years old and in a care facility. This was early on and he had received the first shot. He got it and didn't even know he had it, no signs or symptoms. About a month after he got it he fell and died from a broken hip.
I had another friend that had both shots and she died from Covid.
Another friend had both shots and got it, he said it was mild just like a cold and was over it in about 4 or 5 days.
I know of 3 other people that got it and none were vaccinated. One had a mild case and was over it in about 5 days, one got fairly sick for about 7 or 8 days, the other was very sick for 10 to 14 days.
@edwardjulio said:
They call the Governor . "Death Santis".
Who the hell is "They"?
It wasn't a "they". It was a "she" who grieving. It was her maid's sister who was afraid to get vaccinated because of "La Migra" taking her kids away if she got sick from it and they found out she was undocumented.
Per Josef Stalin "One man's death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic...."
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - Geo. Orwell
"SPECIAL NOTICE: The Orange County Convention Center is a non-smoking building. This rule will be enforced."
So you're free to walk the bourse, even if you're unvaccinated and highly symptomatic, but you can't smoke. Like they say, truth is stranger than fiction.
If you're highly symptomatic and too dumb to stay home, I would also guess you're too dumb to collect coins.
Need a Barber Half with ANACS photo certificate. If you have one for sale please PM me. Current Ebay auctions
@ifthevamzarockin said: Please take whatever precautions you are comfortable with.
This is a nasty virus and it doesn't care if you are vaccinated or not.
It would seem it is more about how strong your immune system is.
It seems boosters are a must now:
Jim Dover, president and CEO of Sparrow Health System said:
Since January, we've had about 289 deaths; 75% are unvaccinated people and the very few (vaccinated people) who passed away all were more than 6 months out from their shot. So we've not had a single person who has had a booster shot die from Covid.
Dec. 9, 2021 -- The coronavirus infects fat cells and certain immune cells within body fat, creating an immune response that could lead to major damage, according to a recent preprint study.
The finding could explain why those who are overweight or obese face higher risks for severe illness and death from COVID-19. The study hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed or published in a journal, but it offers insight into why some patients are vulnerable, even if they don’t have any other risks or conditions.
"SPECIAL NOTICE: The Orange County Convention Center is a non-smoking building. This rule will be enforced."
So you're free to walk the bourse, even if you're unvaccinated and highly symptomatic, but you can't smoke. Like they say, truth is stranger than fiction.
If you're highly symptomatic and too dumb to stay home, I would also guess you're too dumb to collect coins.
Given some of the junk parking lot coins and the equally; ahh insightful; yes insightful questions that are asked each day on this and the forum ats I can only conclude that many dumb people collect coins.
I have a LOT of experience with this virus which I’m not going to go into here.
I will say that I’ve worked closely with countless COVID patients and personally had many exposures.
I strongly believe that one can very significantly reduce their chances of infection by taking very diligent and careful precautions, similar to the ones used in some of the better hospital facilities. Omicron is making this even more essential and a tougher job.
Since you’re going anyways, I might suggest high quality, well fitted masks. Medical grade N-95’s if you can get them. KN-95’s as a second alternative. Pinch the metal around the upper bridge of your nose and check all the contact around the edges. It should be flush and depending on the mask, suck in visibly when you inhale. And, sadly that beard really should go, unless it’s a small goatee and the mask edges go completely around the outside of it. The mask NEEDS to fit. Try some different ones. Comfort is important too, if it hurts too much to wear and needs constant adjustments, that’s a problem. The two strap versions are often better than the ones that go around the ears.
If your interacting with people that are unmasked, and they are talking, keep your distance and consider eye protection as droplets can easily get into the eyes from those that aren’t masked. This is a significant risk. Also, be very careful when removing the mask after use. Gel hands frequently. That mask, and your hands could be contaminated after handling as it captured virus before inhaled and now is dirty after use.
Gel frequently and certainly before touching your face, and be careful to not scrape the edges of the mask over your eyes, nose or mouth when removing. Masks should not be multiple use unless absolutely necessary and rested for a couple of days. Get a good supply.
There’s more, but these are the essentials, and along with some luck, prevented my getting infected against all odds.
Have fun and try to be safe folks.
I believe the real bright spot moving forward are the Pfizer antiviral’s along with better access to rapid testing.
Anyone interested in more can PM me for specifics on brands and where to get good masks.
Happy, humble, honored and proud recipient of the “You Suck” award 10/22/2014
"SPECIAL NOTICE: The Orange County Convention Center is a non-smoking building. This rule will be enforced."
So you're free to walk the bourse, even if you're unvaccinated and highly symptomatic, but you can't smoke. Like they say, truth is stranger than fiction.
If you're highly symptomatic and too dumb to stay home, I would also guess you're too dumb to collect coins.
Given some of the junk parking lot coins and the equally; ahh insightful; yes insightful questions that are asked each day on this and the forum ats I can only conclude that many dumb people collect coins.
I would guess those aren't collectors. In some cases they are trolls, and in others they are someone who inherited coins and knows nothing about them. In either case, I highly doubt they are attending coin shows.
Need a Barber Half with ANACS photo certificate. If you have one for sale please PM me. Current Ebay auctions
@Zoins said:
Sorry to hear you got it but glad you got better!
Do you know how you got it?
Yes, I was outside talking to my neighbor. I don't know if it was transmitted by air we were only an arm length away or if she touched the hand rail and then I touched it. After about 10 minutes of talking she said "Oh, I think I may have Covid" I said "thanks for telling me, where's your mask" I think there is a real good chance if I had a mask on I would not have got it. Within 18 hours I knew I had it. I was the sickest I have ever been in my life. That's why I was absent from the forum for a couple weeks.
Wash your hands & wear a mask!
Edited to add: Four days before I got it I lost a long term friend to it, she had both shots but no booster. When I got it this was on my mind and my first thought was oh great I'm next.
Wow 2,000 more flights cancelled
today ( Monday Dec. 27th)
Please take whatever precautions you are comfortable with.
This is a nasty virus and it doesn't care if you are vaccinated or not.
It would seem it is more about how strong your immune system is.
I had a friend that was 75 years old and in a care facility. This was early on and he had received the first shot. He got it and didn't even know he had it, no signs or symptoms. About a month after he got it he fell and died from a broken hip.
I had another friend that had both shots and she died from Covid.
Another friend had both shots and got it, he said it was mild just like a cold and was over it in about 4 or 5 days.
I know of 3 other people that got it and none were vaccinated. One had a mild case and was over it in about 5 days, one got fairly sick for about 7 or 8 days, the other was very sick for 10 to 14 days.
It wasn't a "they". It was a "she" who grieving. It was her maid's sister who was afraid to get vaccinated because of "La Migra" taking her kids away if she got sick from it and they found out she was undocumented.
Per Josef Stalin "One man's death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic...."
If you're highly symptomatic and too dumb to stay home, I would also guess you're too dumb to collect coins.
It seems boosters are a must now:
Ref: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/12/09/us/hospital-covid-19-deaths-michigan/index.html
And it does seem related to health:
Ref: https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20211209/coronavirus-attacks-fat-tissue
Given some of the junk parking lot coins and the equally; ahh insightful; yes insightful questions that are asked each day on this and the forum ats I can only conclude that many dumb people collect coins.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
I have a LOT of experience with this virus which I’m not going to go into here.
I will say that I’ve worked closely with countless COVID patients and personally had many exposures.
I strongly believe that one can very significantly reduce their chances of infection by taking very diligent and careful precautions, similar to the ones used in some of the better hospital facilities. Omicron is making this even more essential and a tougher job.
Since you’re going anyways, I might suggest high quality, well fitted masks. Medical grade N-95’s if you can get them. KN-95’s as a second alternative. Pinch the metal around the upper bridge of your nose and check all the contact around the edges. It should be flush and depending on the mask, suck in visibly when you inhale. And, sadly that beard really should go, unless it’s a small goatee and the mask edges go completely around the outside of it. The mask NEEDS to fit. Try some different ones. Comfort is important too, if it hurts too much to wear and needs constant adjustments, that’s a problem. The two strap versions are often better than the ones that go around the ears.
If your interacting with people that are unmasked, and they are talking, keep your distance and consider eye protection as droplets can easily get into the eyes from those that aren’t masked. This is a significant risk. Also, be very careful when removing the mask after use. Gel hands frequently. That mask, and your hands could be contaminated after handling as it captured virus before inhaled and now is dirty after use.
Gel frequently and certainly before touching your face, and be careful to not scrape the edges of the mask over your eyes, nose or mouth when removing. Masks should not be multiple use unless absolutely necessary and rested for a couple of days. Get a good supply.
There’s more, but these are the essentials, and along with some luck, prevented my getting infected against all odds.
Have fun and try to be safe folks.
I believe the real bright spot moving forward are the Pfizer antiviral’s along with better access to rapid testing.
Anyone interested in more can PM me for specifics on brands and where to get good masks.
Happy, humble, honored and proud recipient of the “You Suck” award 10/22/2014
I would guess those aren't collectors. In some cases they are trolls, and in others they are someone who inherited coins and knows nothing about them. In either case, I highly doubt they are attending coin shows.
Glad you’re back!
Did your friend get sick? Does she know you did?
@Zoins "Did your friend get sick? Does she know you did?"
Yes, she had a mild case that lasted about 5 days.
Yes, she knows that she gave it to me and said sorry.