Alcoholic Anonymous Token from 17th Century Scotland?

A possible reason for the AA graffiti on the obverse.
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A possible reason for the AA graffiti on the obverse.
Definitely not Alcoholics Anonymous considering that was founded by Bill Wilson in the 1930s.
It’s a shame someone vandalized such a cool coin
I doubt if it was purposeful vandalism. Who knows what history went into the coin's ownership. Could have fallen into the hands of a very unsophisticated individual who wanted to mark his pride of ownership. Thus, I use the term graffiti. Now vandalism, I would call it that if the individual took a knife and drew it across the face of the coin. That, or mutilation.
That was Angus Abercrombie's pocket piece. He found it rummaging through Charlie's wardrobe aboot 1650 after Charlie's heid had gone a-missin' !!!!
Sometimes people feel the urge to write on their coins:
Great Britain Florin 1873 - Gothic style
Silver, 30.0 mm, 10.42 gm
Writing on both sides "LL" and "CH"
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
what mk said, fact