Forgotten players

in Sports Talk
Who are some of your favorite NFL players or other athletes, guys that don't get mentioned a lot around here but you loved watching them play.
Before there was James Harrison, there was Greg Lloyd.
He was a beast.
I remember Greg Lloyd, he was a menace.
Icky Woods. Anyone remember the “Icky Shuffle” ?
How about Marion Butts? I used to love listening to Chris Berman highlighting one of his runs
Another Charger great, Natrone Means
I was about to mention Natrone Means! 😂😂
Ofcourse you were! He was awesome
And of course you can't mention Greg Lloyd without mentioning Kevin Greene.
So, so many. People focus on the here and now. Hype, hype, hype. Favorite teams, etc.......So many good ballplayers........ nobody remembers doesn't matter......
Teddy Bruschi & Lawyer Milloy were two of my favorite former Pats players and then Randall Cunningham & Brian Dawkins were a couple ex-Eagles players that I liked watching back in the day.
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I always liked Ben Coates. And those uniforms
Hmm, Darrell Green of the Redskins, he was lightning fast, I still remember when he ran down Tony Dorsett.
Larry Izzo made special teams "extra special" when he was out there! I just loved watching him do his thing! The man was a heat seeking missile!
.....#20....Running Back Detroit Lions initials are "BS". Ummm, no! Barry Sanders is certainly not forgotten, although he doesn't get mentioned as often as he should! I'm talking about this guy:
What could have been! They even did their own version in Detroit of "Another one bites the dust" using the Lions and Billy as the main parts of the song.
How many people remember one of the state of Kansas' all time greatest athletes, Nolan Cromwell.
Tremendous high school athlete excelled in track and football and I think also basketball.
Went to KU and was their QB, beat a No. 1 ranked Oklahoma team. if I remember he mostly ran the
ball, not that great of a passer. Set several KU records in the Decathlon and hurdles.
Went to the NFL and was a safety for the Rams for 11 years made the pro bowl four years straight.
Don't think I've ever heard him mentioned on the sports talk forum.
One of my favorite Chiefs of all time, Deron Cherry. He always seemed to be in the right place at

the right time for a big tackle or a pick. I loved watching him play and another guy he played with
Albert Lewis wasn't too shabby either.
Deron Cherry- 6 straight pro bowl appearances.
Loved watching Chris Cooley. Beast of a tight end for a few years.
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"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Dante Hall, he was called "the human joystick" for a reason, he could make you look foolish.
Bruce Matthews, a big guy, could really line up anywhere on the offensive line, center, guard, only Tom Brady has made more pro bowls than Bruce Matthews.
This guy was awesome, had he not gotten injured or played in todays NFL he would have been one of the top tier all time receivers in my opinion.
Sterling Sharpe
I remember mel gray was a great kick returner for the lions for a number of years.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Also, Barry foster had a great year or two as RB for the steelers.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Great choice! I forgot about him
1989 Defensive Player of the Year. Keith Millard was a beast; had 18 sacks that year at Defensive Tackle (a record for that position that stood until Aaron Donald broke it). A few side notes 1) Millard did not even lead the team that year - Chris Doleman had 21 sacks, 2) that year the Vikings had the second most ever as a team in NFL history and 3) the front four for the Vikings had 59½ sacks that year.

speaking of stud Vikings, i saw enough of this guy (as a Bears fan) to know that he was one
he suffered from dementia in his final years and his neurologist said the symptoms were likely from CTE
RIP Matt Blair
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Fred Smerlas
I loved watching Mel Gray! You knew the possibility of him going to the house existed every time he was lined up waiting for the kick. I didn't see much of the Lions on tv during his years there but I was glued to the tv every Thanksgiving to see Mr Gray in action!
Bill Bates. Another special teams guru! Guy had a knack for always being at the right place at the right time!
I started collecting cards around 86-87 (86 Fleer BKB/86 Topps FB/87 Topps BB/87 Topps HKY) and with so many 49ers games shown on the East Coast back then got to see a lot of Roger Craig. I thought his 1K rushing/1K receiving '85 season was pretty incredible and this was one of my favorite cards of his.

Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
Steve McNair and Eddie George were fun to watch in their prime.
Mike Alstott, the big power fullback was a joy to watch.
I loved watching Chris Berman describing a Mike Alstott run!
Yes, very dramatic!
I nominate the real Mel Gray, the one who played an actual position. He's so forgotten, people can write about the fake Mel Gray and not even mention him.
the mike alstott post made me remember Craig "iron head" heyward. now that was a guy I wouldn't want to stand in front of.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
another pass rusher i don't hear mentioned too much was Richard dent. he was a beast with those 80s bears
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Mr Offerdahl was a shining star on some not so shining Dolphins teams.
Another Dolphins LB AJ Duhe, what a player and real nice guy too. Met him while working in his neighborhood about 20 years ago. He was out walking his cat on a leash, yes that's correct, walking his cat on a leash! Very down to earth guy in talking with him for a few minutes.
In all fairness, I think this guy Double Dragon did an entire thread on him one time.
Yes, but that was a long time ago, back when I was a teenager. I was young back then, and didn't know any better. 🤔
STEELERS Lloyd and Greene were fun to watch. Lloyd hurt alot of players with his hard hits, especially QB's. He also took out Emmitt Smith in the Super bowl, and Smith didnt play the rest of the game.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21