100 Greatest Coins - List Combining 2'nd through 5'th editons of Garrett books

I combined all the editions of the Garrett books to come up with a composite list. I simply added the ranks for each book and then sorted the sums from lowest to highest. The top 20 are below. the rest of the list can be found on my website.
#1 1804 Dollar Proof #2 1913 Liberty Head Nickel Proof #3 1933 Double Eagle #4 1849 Double Eagle Proof #5 1907 "Ultra High Relief" Double Eagle Proof #6 1907 Double Eagle Pattern Judd 1776 Proof #7 1894-S Barber Dime Proof #8 1943 Bronze Cent #9 1885 Trade Dollar Proof #10 1794 Silver Dollar #11 1792 Half Disme #12 1907 "Ultra High Relief" Double Eagle with $10 gold diameter Proof #13 1872 Amazonian Set Proof #14 1822 Half Eagle #15 1776 Continental Dollar #16 1877 "Half Union" Fifty Dollar (Type One or Two) Proof #17 1793 "Chain" Cent #18 1879 or 1880 Four Dollar Gold "Stellas" (Flowing or Coiled Hair) Proof #19 1909-S VDB Lincoln Cent #20 1792 Disme (Copper)
I always thought #6 & #12 were the same. And the #15 was not a coin, likewise the #3, #13, #16, #18, #2.
I'm never too old to learn.
I have two of the 20 on your list.
It may be worth highlighting which coins are possible for any mere mortal (i.e. not the Smithsonian) to own. Your list of 100 targets would drop down by a few, making your completion percentage a bit higher.
It’s a fun list but of course if you removed the patterns, novodels, fantasy pieces and midnight mint productions, you wouldn’t have much of a list left. Good thing about lists- he who makes the list makes the rules!
I actually am thinking about adding a top 20 list to the website which removes those type of items. So many fun projects to contemplate. To bad I need to work to afford this hobby.
#12 is the "piedfort" - double thickness because it is the $10 diameter but with the full $20 weight.
It's a pretty rare coin, but the Smithsonian has a couple.
Using my combined list I came up with this list for the top 20 circulated coins. I was unsure about adding #8 and #10 but I think they should be in the list. Any thoughts?
1 1794 Silver Dollar
2 1792 Half Disme
3 1822 Half Eagle
4 1793 "Chain" Cent
5 1909-S VDB Lincoln Cent
6 1907 "High Relief" Double Eagle
7 1854-S Half Eagle
8 1798 "Small Eagle" Half Eagle
9 1815 Half Eagle
10 1933 Ten Dollar
11 1916 Standing Quarter Dollar
12 1927-D Double Eagle
13 1861-D Gold Dollar
14 1893-S Morgan Dollar
15 1916-D Mercury Dime
16 1796 Half Cents (With Pole or No Pole)
17 1796 1797 Half Dollar
18 1796 "No Stars" Quarter Eagle
19 1854-0 Double Eagle
20 1802 Half Dime