CAC Membership Question...

I know that there have been a ton of CAC posts in the past but thought I would ask anyway. I have been going through my collection and have a small number of PCGS coins that I should sell due to kids college costs etc. and thought 'Heck, I'll see if I can submit them to CAC'. However new CAC membership is temporarily closed which is OK (only so much bandwidth!) but does not help me much. Anyone know if they are going to open it up again at one point? Also...about how much is the membership when they do open it up again? Any thoughts? Thanks!
Membership is free. Just ask them to put you on their wait list. Be prepared to give three references. Hopefully you will receive an application within a reasonable period of time.
Good deal...I'll reach out to them. I appreciate it!
A membership at CAC costs nothing, you need to fill out the form and provide the references. Then you will wait until it opens up again, I have no idea how long that might take. If you want to send in sooner you could ask on the BST if anyone is sending in coins that you could piggyback on. It will cost you more if it is a dealer doing the submitting and there will be extra postage for the shipping to and from the submitter. Before I became able to submit myself Mark Feld submitted some coins for me when he was still a dealer.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Hmm...not sure about the references if they are looking for some from the coin world. ANA Life Member is about all I have other than my stellar reputation on the boards!
I sent the CAC folks a message via the form on their site...if the outcome is negative I'll post to see if anyone would submit some coins for me.
A fast lane
I asked three people, two of whom frequent this board, if they would be my references. They graciously agreed. I was worried about references as well since I’m not a big player and am not able to hobnob at big shows.
I think, for me, having been on the board years ago and more recently and shown what I know it was easier to ask people here. They could get at least an idea of what I collect and whether I’d be wasting everyone’s time or not.
To my knowledge they did not contact any of my references. I think they also prefer you to have an ANA membership.
Good luck to you!
If it’s a one-time thing, it’s pretty easy to piggy-back your coins on someone else’s order. Lots of us here do send coins to CAC regularly.
My references included auction houses, and I too am an ANA LM. I was accepted fairly quickly, would like to think that the LM made a difference.
Awesome tip for those who have not been able to join CAC yet. Kudos to the LSCC for adding even more value for our memberships.