Mis-cut or Monkey Business?
Posts: 1,432 ✭✭✭✭
How does one tell if a mis-cut is the real deal or if someone deliberately created it from an uncut sheet?
"Let me tell ya Bud, you can buy junk anytime!"
Experienced buyers of these errors immediately know what's what from the serial number (in most cases).This notes' serial number comes from a uncut sheet and so one would deduce that it is a man made error and not done by the BEP...therefore....funny business.Also,in most cases,you can tell by the other side of the note.If the front and back are matching in their "off-ness" than it's not a real error.A real example would have only one side mis-printed (and thus mis-cut) whereas the other side would appear pretty normal.
Makes total sense about the face and back being out of synch. Thanks.
Yes, high serial numbers were used on many sheets.
If a cutting error starts with two 9s, you've probably got a fake.
Ah Ha! I think I found the culprit.............
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"