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One record Tommy wont break

craig44craig44 Posts: 11,523 ✭✭✭✭✭

as the regular season is closing out, it appears that unless Brady poops the bed, he will most likely win the MVP award. I was checking the record for most regular season mvps, and Peyton Manning is topps on the list with 5 awards!!!

I guess I didnt realize he had won that many. I have to admit, that is pretty dominant. Tom currently has 3, if he wins this year it would bring him out of a 5 way tie with 3 MVPs.

I cannot reasonably think he would ever win another after this season. in fact, to possibly win one at age 44 is incredible in its own right. But, I do think Peyton will own this mountain top by himself though.

George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.


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