This looks like four counterfeit listings! Need Help Getting These Listings Taken Down!

I've gotten at lest one other confirmation so far!
The 09SVDB was up earlier, actually two listings for it, then the second listing was marked SOLD, then its back listed again for a 24hr listing. With bad pictures of the 09 it appears that the period following the "D" in the designer initials is to close to the D.
The lettering (numbers) in the date on the 14-D's don't look right, the D mint mark is to open and fat at the inside. Lincoln's chin profile looks wrong.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Yep, all are bad and so are the 3 that they already sold.
Okay, looks like we need some help getting these listings taken down!
Thanks for tanking a look at them
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
This one only has 4 hours left.
Anyone want to buy just to leave proper feedback and get your money back from ebay?
This one only has 20 hours left so we need to act quick.
You’d have to pay and SNAD them before leaving neg.
Running 1 day auctions makes it tougher
And eBay used to pull completeds but it appears no more.
You can also bid to win and then wait 4 days to pay.
Ebay will remove the listing before 4 days and you will not get an unpaid item strike but you will not be able to leave feedback.
All 4 reported but it won't save the one ending in 4 hours.
I never cease to be amazed that people are willing to bid on this dreck.
I reported this guy three times: once for a fake 1877 and again to complain that all of his listed coins are fake. Then I pointed out that coins in their completed auctions are also fake, that he's already ripped people off for $2200 and counting in two nights with fakes, and asked "When are you gonna kick this crook off eBay??!!!"
I get angry at eBay for allowing these crooks to operate freely, ripping people off for thousands of dollars. They need to hire a few numismatists to stop this rampant swindling.
Is there a way to report a seller other than an item report?
The whoever this is, is a crook!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Yes, you can call in.
This late at night and on a weekend good chance nothing will happen.
Unless someone with an "in" calls.
Well, I'm for sure not one with an "In"
This guy states in LOTS of his negative feedback replies that he opening and honestly includes everything in his listings!
Well, I don't see anything in them stated that the coins are counterfeit!!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
I don't have an "in" either.
With the auction ending as soon as it is the only way to prevent someone from getting ripped of is with a nuclear bid to win and wait for ebay to remove the listings tomorrow.
I still have a warning on my account for being mean to the last person selling counterfeits.
I miss the days of Russ (RIP) and/or "Scumnuker" and his bidding buddy hilariously bidding up fake coins into many millions of dollars. You need two people to close down an auction that way and I don't know how eBay reacts to such bidding.
I'm still laughing at the memory and I'll always remember Russ for those hilarious auctions.
Yep, works great! I have worked with others in the past and done the same thing.
What is eBay's response to these "bidding wars"? I'd love to do it as well to some scumbag like "Youlikethis2".
Most of the time ebay would realize the coin is a counterfeit and remove the listing and say nothing about it to the bidders.
Sometimes they would tell you to report it and let them handle it and that it is auction interference and you could be warned or banned. That never happened because they know the seller was the person in the wrong.
I save quite a few per year but I try not to over do it.
If I didn't have a current warning on my account for sending mean messages I would save this one.
Even if ebay doesn't end the item (and they will) you can have 4 unpaid items per year without a problem with ebay.
I'm surprised I don't have a warning. I'm quite confrontational to guys selling clown coins but keep the language clean. I give them a choice. Either they're ignorant idiots who shouldn't sell coins or they're lying crooks.
How does eBay respond specifically after a nuke bid sale? I'd guess eBay can follow the conversation between the buyer and seller after the sale and make a determination as to who's at fault. The thing is I don't have much trust in eBay as it is, particularly after their scam of charging state sales tax on non-taxable items.
@Barberian "I'm quite confrontational to guys selling clown coins but keep the language clean."
Dang! Is that what I have been doing wrong.

"How does eBay respond specifically after a nuke bid sale?"
This one has already had reports filed before the item ends, those reports will be reviewed after and ebay will remove the listing.
There are 3 ways I have found to save an unknowing buyer from being ripped off if there is not time for ebay to end it.
1) Make sure reports have been filed and then place a nuke bid. Don't pay and wait for ebay to take action and remove the listing. If ebay hasn't removed it by the 3 day you can call them and tell them you know reports were filed and you are not paying for a counterfeit coin. Good chance you will not end up with an unpaid item strike but you could get one. You are not able to leave feedback with this method.
2) Report the item and do not contact the seller. Place your nuke bid and when you win call ebay and tell them you saw the listing ending and you reported it. The item was not being removed so you placed a bid to prevent and unknowing buyer from being ripped off and to check all the other reports they have for the item. They may tell you to not do it that way in the future because it is auction interference but it is okay this time. You are not able to leave feedback with this method.
3) Place your nuke bid and pay with a credit card. Wait for your coin to arrive in the mail and leave bad feedback and then file a SNAD case for the item. If you file your SNAD before you leave feedback you will not be able to leave feedback, you must leave feedback then file the SNAD. If ebay gives you any problems contact your credit card company.
With all these methods it is best to not contact the seller, it gives them a chance to block you.
It's too bad prospective buyers cannot find out if reports have been filed against the item up for auction other than the seller's feedback percentage and comments from buyers. So many buyers are ignorant and leave positive feedback after being ripped off.
1909 S VDB still active and ending in 8 hours.
I reached out to a friend (former co-worker) and ask if he would file a report to ebay on these items, I just got conformation that he did report them!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Ending in a little over 3 hours with 23 bids at $511.01
I just put up a message on ebay's community forum asking for help to get these listings taken down.
I also stated that the seller has been made aware that the coins they've got listed or Counterfeited US coins being sold as genuine, I included the seller's link!
So, I'll keep a look out for followups!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
That can get you into trouble too I think
I think
Auction interference?
Maybe, but I'm desperate here! and thus far I don't have the first black mark with ebay, and I've been a member sense Feb 2000 I've never gotten a negative feedback.
They may call it that, and if I'm giving a chance to respond I'll tell them that they can call it what they want, but I prefer to call it 'fraud interference'
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
@MarkW63 "I don't have the first black mark with ebay, and I've been a member sense Feb 2000"
Don't worry about it!

Ebay doesn't do anything to someone selling counterfeits or non-paying bidders or all the other scams on ebay.
I get 3 warning per year and then I cool off.

I need to wait about another 30 more days from my last one.
I do it all through an account I set up for buying only because ebay loves buyers and they can't do anything wrong.

The 09svdb just ended for $787.77
WoW! I only paid $900.00 for a real one that was in MUCH better condition, PCGS Graded!
$787.00 for a worthless Cracker Jack toy!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
They spanked my as* I take it that this was a threat to kick me off their community forum that I've never used in 21 years of being an ebay member.
Below is there reply.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
May as well black out your eBay id
Now look what this seller just put up!
1922 No D!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
This one is so far down in a widely read thread that I’d suggest a new thread for it
You should post it on their community forum.

See, there you go pouring salt in an open wound, kicking me while I'm down and out, I deserve better

I'm glad we can still see some humor in all this!
I went to their community source for help (I couldn't find anything else), I didn't need a place to exchange cookie recipes, I could do that on the Martha Steward community forum.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
I take it that we agree that this 22 no D is a fake as well?
If so I'll start a new thread with it, at lest this one will be going during a regular business day.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
The community forum wasn't on my list of 3 ways to save an auction.
Okay, already I give
No, wait, I was reading between the lines!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
If you're gonna do it, the sooner the better.
Done! (posted)
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!