Is Trevor Lawrence going to make it in the NFL?

in Sports Talk
First 12 NFL starts for Trevor Lawrence:
Trevor Lawrence
72.3 QB Rating
2,514 Pass Yds
9 Pass TD
10 INT
2-10 W-L
I was wondering this about 3 weeks in.
What factors are at play out of his control?
The Coaching and his team stinks.
Beside James Robinson can we name any other player on that team?
They should have taken Fields. Someone should have known they should have taken Fields. Someone should have insisted they take Fields.
Glad you asked. I wanted to bring this subject up but I figured somebody else would. Thanks. The Jags played the Rams last Sunday. I was there. I watch football games a little differently than most. I focus on one player during the game. Sunday I focused on Lawrence. On the 1 1/2 hour drive home after games, The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant and I talk about the game. Monday morning too. Anyway......she was also totally focused on Lawrence during the game also. Her thoughts and observations about him were VERY interesting. That girl knows her football.......more to come. 🤷
I just asked The Lovely One......will he make it in the NFL? Her answer, "Too early to tell."......she is the authority on all things football. Believe me.
Ask her about Urban Meyer when you get a chance, I want to know if he'll make it.
Urban Meyer.
I prefer Oscar Meyer
By far, the best Halloween costume this year was this NFL fan who dressed up as Urban Meyer getting a lap dance.
Word is that the lap dancer at the bar is Urban's sidepiece. haven't seen the photos, but she has been linked to Urban at other locations.
Following your instructions, I just asked her. Quote, " Good for him and his lap dance. I feel sorry for all those guys who get fired over stupid sh*t like that. Who cares? The person with the cell phone who took the video is a creep.".......Case closed. 🤦
Go ahead and list Troy Aikman's rookie stats. It's all about context.
I’m not crapping on Lawrence, the question was asked and I answered
I know, my bad. I actually meant that for DD. I quoted you because you weren't crapping on him. I got it all jumbled. 🤣🤣
What else is there to say? 🤷
I focus on one player during the game. Sunday I focused on Lawrence
for a long time I have maintained that if you enjoy the NFL, what happens during the game on the field, you need to be watching it at home. in your case, while you were focused on what Lawrence was doing the whole game it would have been instructive to have watched his receivers and the DB's guarding them. it also would have helped to hear the analysis of the announcers(who typically understand the game better than even your wife and can explain it) while watching the replays.
granted, it is often possible when at a game to be so positioned that the overall field is viewable, but there were always too many distractions when I attended, the pace was a bit too fast and required undivided attention while there were no replays.
during the mid-late 1960's and into the 1970's we had passes at old Cleveland Municipal Stadium, upper deck section 19 row H, the entire row of Uncles and Cousins. the view was approximately looking down the Cleveland sideline from the closed end of the stadium, a really great view that was like looking at a chalkboard as the played. the only problem was being so far from the action.
back to Trevor Lawrence, I think he'll be OK when the Jags get some talent for him to work with. right now he isn't the problem.
I have not watched much of him to be able to say if he does or doesn't throw with touch and keep his eyes down the field. Any quarterback not able to do those two things will fail. Anyone else besides @hydrant who can confirm that he doesn't? Don't make me Google this 🤣🤣
I usually agree with you, keets, and maybe I do about this but I am a little confused..... Actually, I do like watching the game on TV more than in person. Going to the game turns into more of a social event and it makes it hard for me to concentrate on the field. i.e., too many distractions. So....what I do at the game is super focus on individual players during the game. It works for me. That is not to say I'm only watching the movements of one player. While I watch the quarterback, I'm ALSO watching the receivers as best I can but that's it. But....I really do enjoy just watching Cooper Kupp and blocking out everything else. I think he is a terrific player. Where I do disagree with you (maybe not) is that television is better for viewing the whole field. So much is going on that the camera does not show. Think about it......there's things happening on the field during all those pizza commercials. I like watching the field and players between plays. It's A relaxing break. Anyway in person or t.v. both have their good points and not so good points......You can't have a tailgate party at home but it's way more comfortable to watch it on the tube.
So Meyer gets questioned about a player and says it’s up to the position coach and he is “Not Aware” of what’s going on with this then he states he will be more involved going forward?
It’s week 14 Urban
Bottom line for me.....if Rams football wasn't a Hydrant family and friends social event..... I'd rather stay home and watch it on TV. Gotta' take the good with the bad.
I can say with confidence that Meyer is a bust as an NFL coach.
Those aren't my observations. Those are the after game thoughts of The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant. I would NEVER disagree with her about football.......I want my dinner!
I agree. The question is if and when the Jags get some talent......
there's things happening on the field during all those pizza commercials
I agree with this wholeheartedly.
one thing I used to enjoy: along with my Dad, we would always get to the games early and be in our seats by Noon. that allowed us to watch players workout and see how the kickers were doing. they always tried FG's from different distances and spots to check the wind and such. another thing that I'd bet most people don't know is that the coin toss to start games is just a "re-enactment" of the actual toss. the real Coin Flip always took place at approximately 12:30, half-an-hour prior to game time. we always took great pleasure in telling everyone who won the toss, who was receiving the kick-off and at which end of the field.
not sure if that's still true, I haven't attended a game since the 79-80 season.
--- OK, I just did a search and apparently the NFL changed the coin toss to three-minutes prior to the game around 1976, so what we see is the real deal and not a re-enactment.
Peyton Manning was terrible his first year as well. Manning was 3-13 his first year and 13-3 his 2nd.
I think it will all depend on how much Lawrence progresses from year one to year two. If he doesn't play like the game has slowed down in year 2, then things won't look good for the future.
Having signed a contract for $36,800,000 I would say that he's already made it the NFL.