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My numismatic year in review: 2021

This year is a weird one for me as a collector, as it was probably so for many of us: it felt like forever since being at a coin show. My first, and only one, of the year, wasn't until November in Baltimore. But despite the paucity of show attendance for me, I actually had a very successful buying year.

As some of you know, I have more than a single area of collecting focus. Let me start off with an update about my Italian States acquisitions. It was hard for me to acquire nice pieces given my inability to view them in hand or to avail myself of my primary Italian dealer connection.

ITALY, Venezia. Paolo Renier.

1779-1789. AR Mezzo Scudo da 70 soldi della croce (35mm, c. 14g, 6h). Lunardo Alvise Foscarini, mint master. Undated, struck 1779. SAИCTVS • MARCVS • VEИET; nimbate facing half-length Lion of San Marco, forepaw supporting open Gospel, within shield frame; value in exergue, flanked by rosettes / PAULUS • RAINE • DVX • VENET •; ornate cross fleurée with central rosette; pellet at end of each bar; leaf in each quarter; mintmaster initials (L • A • F •) in exergue. KM 705; Paolucci 20; Montenegro 1872; Gamberini 1833; Papadopoli 14-15. Choice EF, lustrous, with attractive champagne toning.

Ex Stacks Bowers 2021-NYINC, lot 20393.

ITALY, Toscana (Livorno). Cosimo III de Medici.

1670-1723. AR Tollero (41mm, 27.14g, 6h). Firenze mint. Dated 1701. • COSMVS • III • D • G • M • DVX • ETRVRIAE • VI • date; crowned and draped bust right / • ET PATET • ET FAVET; view of Livorno Harbor. MIR 64/16; CNI XI 75; Ravegnani Morosini 15; Davenport 1498. Choice EF. Lustrous and sharply struck with light dusky patina. Rare quality.

Bt Matteo Cavedoni (MCN), April 2021.

Issued primarily for use in the Levant.

Only two pieces. Maybe 2022 will bring an uptick in quality additions in this area.

Next up is medieval British, particularly Tudor and Stuart.

GREAT BRITAIN, House of Stuart. Charles I.

1625-1649. AR Halfcrown (35mm, 14.66g, 12h). Type 1a1. Tower mint; im: lis. Struck 1625. (lis) • CA ROLVS • D • G • MAG • BRI • FR • ET • HI • REX •, King on horseback left, raising sword over right shoulder, on plumed and caparisoned horse / (lis) CHRI STO AV SPICE REGNO, coat-of-arms over long cross fourchée. Bull 8/1c-1(0-16); Brooker 276 (same dies); North 2200; SCBC 2763. Toned. VF. Well struck.

Ex Arthur M. Fitts III Collection, Triton XXIV (19-20 January 2021), lot 1401.
Ex Triton XXII (8 January 2019), lot 1419.
Dr. J. R. Hulett (DNW 142, 13 Sep. 2017), lot 444.
Purchased from F. Purvey, April 1975.

This piece is amazingly choice for a mere VF, and is actually really hard to find any better of this scarce type.

SCOTLAND, House of Stuart. Charles I.

1625-1649. AR Sixty Shillings (44mm, 29.97g, 5h). First coinage. Edinburgh mint; im: thistle. Struck 1625-1634. • CAROLVS • D • G • MAG • BRIT • FRAN • [?] • HIB • REX •, armored figure of Charles riding left on horse, sword in raised hand / • QVÆ • DEVS • CONIVNXIT • NEMO • SEPARET •, coat-of-arms. Murray 2; SCBI 35 (Ashmolean & Hunterian) 1410 (same dies); B 1, fig. 996; SCBC 5540. Near EF, toned. Slightly double-struck, with detailed portrait and traces of luster.

Ex Triton XXIV (19-20 January 2021), lot 1457.
Ex Arthur Chesser Collection, DNW Auction 113, 17 September 2013, lot 342.

SCOTLAND, House of Stuart. Charles I.

1625-1649. AR 30 Shillings (36.5mm, 14.92g, 7h). First coinage. Edinburgh mint; im: thistle. Struck 1625-1634. (thistle) CAROLVS • D • G • MAG • BRIT • FRAN • & • HIB • REX •, King on caparisoned horse right, holding sword and reins / (thistle) • QVÆ • DEVS • CONIVNXIT • NEMO • SEPARET •, coat-of-arms; shield in ornate frame. Murray, p. 131 and pl. III, 13; Burns 21 and fig 997; SCBI 35 (Ashmolean & Hunterian) 1411-12; SCBC 5541. Toned. Good VF.

Ex Triton XXIV (19-20 January 2021), lot 1458.
Ex B. Dawson (DNW 157, 21 March 2019), lot 182.

GREAT BRITAIN, House of Stuart. Charles I.

1625-1649. AR Medal (30mm, 10.00g, 6h). Coronation of Charles I, 1626. By Nicolas Briot. CAROLVS • I • D G • MAG • BRITAN • FRAN • ET • HIB • REX, crowned bust right, wearing ruff, collar of Order of the Garter and coronation robes, signed N.B. / • DONEC • PAX • REDD ITA • TERRIS •, arm issuing from clouds holding sword; in two lines in exergue, • CORON • 2 • FEBRV • / • 1626 •. MI 243/10; Eimer 106; BMC [Jones] 125-126; Woll.ii; Cook 11; Platt pp.117-18; vL.II, 164; Foley 194). EF, toned.

Bt Alan Worby (M & H Coins), March 2021.
Ex Peter Earthy Collection (BSJ Auction 21, 3 August 2018, lot 513).
Bt B.A. Seaby, 1977.

GREAT BRITAIN, House of Stuart. Charles I.

1625-1649. AR Medal (30mm, 8.45g, 6h). Death and Memorial of Charles I. By Thomas Rawlins. Dated 30 January 1648. CAROLVS · D: G : MAG : BRIT : FRAN : ET · HIB : REX · FIDEI · DEFENSOR, armored and draped bust left / IMMOTA TRIUMPHANS, island in a stormy sea; above, two clouds blowing winds towards island. MI 341/190; Eimer 158. Some light marks under attractive old cabinet toning. Near EF. Rare.

Bt Kelvin Brosz, June 2021.
Ex CNG117, 19-20 May, 2021, lot 1087.

GREAT BRITAIN, House of Stuart. Charles I.

1625-1649. AR Halfcrown (34mm, 14.92g, 6h). Briot’s Second Milled issue. Tower mint; m: в and anchor. Struck 1638-1639. (в/anchor) CAROLVS • D : G • MAGN • BRITANN • FR • ET • HIB • REX •, Charles on horseback left, holding reins and sword / (в/anchor) CHRISTO • AVSPICE • REGNO •, garnished coat-of-arms; crowned C R over pellets flanking. Bull 469; Brooker 724 (same dies); North 2304; SCBC 2858. Light tone with some original brilliance; some very light die wear. EF.

Ex CNG inventory, #588835.
Ex Roderick Richardson inventory.

Not a bad haul for an off-year.

Next up are Anglo-Saxon Sceattas, which are a form of coinage that predate the broad flan denier/penny.

ANGLO-SAXON, Eclectic Sceattas.

Kingdom of Mercia, probably Æthelbald (c. 716-757). Circa 730-760. AR Sceatt (11.5mm, 1.01g, 3h). ‘CARIP’ series, ‘Hwiccian’ style. Uncertain mint associated with London. Diademed and draped bust right; SISCO to right / Figure standing looking right, wearing long tunic, holding long cross pommée either side, on ground line. Abramson 26.60; Metcalf 336-40; SCBI 69, 505 (this coin); EMC 2008.0078 = BNJ Coin Register 2008, 157; Gannon 76, 87, 95, 98, 140 no. 231, 181, 189, no. 62, and Figs. 3.19c, 3.22a, 4.48b; North 69; SCBC 820 (plate coin). Good VF, slight surface porosity, deeply toned. Rare.

Ex Tony Abramson Collection (Part I, Spink 21000, 18 March 2021, lot 151).
Ex Lockdales, January 2007.
Found in Thetford (Norfolk), 2003.

ANGLO-SAXON, Eclectic Sceattas.

Kingdom of Mercia, probably Æthelbald (c. 716-757). Circa 735-740. AR Sceatt (11mm, 1.07g, 6h). 'Monita Scorum' series, type 9. London mint. Diademed and draped bust right; MONITA SCORVM above, cross to right / ‘Porcupine’ left. Naismith, Money, Group 1b, c = Beowulf 67; Abramson 24.30; MEC 8 Series LEa; SCBC 824. Toned. Good VF. Very rare.

Ex Timeline Auctions 42020 (24 November 2020), lot 8041.
Found near Oundle [EMC 2020.0311].

This coin took forever to arrive that I am mentioning it as part of the 2021 acquisition.

Finally, we arrive at my last area of collecting interest: Anglo-Saxon pennies, where I also include Viking-era coinage.

ANGLO-SAXON, Kings of Mercia. Offa.

757-796. AR Penny (17mm, 1.25g, 3h). Light coinage, portrait type. London mint; Duda, moneyer. Struck circa 785-792/3. + Θ·FFA • R•EX • +, bust right; ornamental spray to lower right / Cross botonée with four petals saltire; all within circle with four enclosed and jewelled lobes; :+: ∂ Ч ∂ between lobes. Blunt 31 = Chick 19a (this coin); SCBI 67 (BM), 58; North 31; SCBC 905. Slight porosity under a rich cabinet toning. Good VF. Rare. A handsome portrait coin with a most impressive provenance.

Ex CNG inventory, #567852.
Ex William Oldknow Collection (Goldberg’s, Auction 120, 2-3 February 2021, lot 1462).
Ex R.C. Lockett (English Part I, 6 June 1955), lot 350.
Ex Spink Numismatic Circular XXVIII.5-6 (May-June 1920), no. 81289 (’a superb coin’).
Ex C. Crompton-Roberts Collection, no. 222.
Ex H. Montagu (Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 18 November 1895), lot 177.
Ex W. Brice Collection (acquired en block by Montagu in 1887).
Ex Capt. R. M. Murchison (Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 28 May 1866), lot 72.
Ex Dr. J.G. Harrison (Sotheby, Wilkinson, & Hodge, 20 July 1865), lot 2.

This is actually one of my white whales. (Yes, I know that portrait Offa pieces are not rare but I wanted the right piece and not just any piece.)

ANGLO-SAXON, Anglo-Viking (Danish Northumbria). Imitations of Alfred the Great.

Circa 885-915. AR Penny (19mm, 1.34g, 3h). Two-line (’Guthram’) type. Cuthbeorht, moneyer. + ÆL FR ED RE, small cross pattée / CΛÐB ERHE:· in two lines; pellet between. SCBI –; BMC –; EMC 2005.0047; North 475/1; SCBC 966. Near EF, attractively toned. Well engraved Danelaw imitation.

Bt Joe Linzalone (Wolfshead Gallery), Nov. 2021.
Ex CNG 109, 12 September 2018, lot 874.

ANGLO-SAXON, Anglo-Viking (Southern Danelaw). Imitative coinage.

Circa 885-915. AR Penny (20mm, 1.40g, 12h). Imitating Oxford mint Orsnaforda type (BMC xviii) of Alfred. Beornwald, moneyer (immobilized). Struck circa 895-899. ORSИΛ ELFRED+ FORDΛ, trefoils around, quatrefoil above, and cinquefoil at bottom / BERИV ΛLDIIO, divided by three crosses, dot above and below. SCBI 16, 145 (same dies); North 472; SCBC 971. Choice EF, toned with traces of red wax. Rare.

Ex CNG inventory, #567507.
Ex William Oldknow Collection (The New York Sale Auction LIII, 14 January 2021, lot 3085).
Ex R.C. Lockett Collection (Part I, Glendining, 6 June 1955, lot 514).
Ex F. McClean [“Astronomer”] (Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 11 June 1906, lot 155 part).

ANGLO-SAXON, Anglo-Viking (Hiberno-Norse Northumbria). St. Peter coinage.

Circa 921-927. AR Penny (19mm, 1.37g, 6h). Sword/Hammer type. York mint. Struck under Sihtric II Caech. SCIIE TIIIIO in two lines, voided sword and cross between, trefoils above and below / + ERIVIITOI, voided hammer, pellet in head; horizontal lines flanking. Stewart & Lyon dies 26a; SCBI 4 (Copenhagen), 591; BMC –; North 556; SCBC 1015. Toned, with slight strike weakness. Near EF. Very rare.

Bt Joe Linzalone (Wolfshead Gallery), June 2021.
Ex David Sellwood Collection, Baldwin’s Argentum Auction, 4 June 2016, lot 293.
Ex Dr. W. B. Parker Collection, sold privately to Baldwin’s in 1963.

IRELAND, Hiberno-Norse. Sihtric III Olafsson.

995-1036. AR Penny (19.5mm, 1.54g, 3h). Phase I coinage. Imitating Long Cross type of Æthelred II. Dublin mint; ‘Færemin’, moneyer. Struck circa 1000-1010. + SIHTRIC REX DYFLIN, draped bust left; pellet behind neck / + FÆREMAN M • Θ DYFLI, voided long cross, with pellet at center and triple-crescent ends; pellet in each central crescent. O'S Type 3; SCBI –; Hildebrand 24; SCBC 6103. Struck from good Saxon style dies. Slight crimp. Toned. EF. Very rare with full spelling of Sihtric.

Ex an American Collection of Hiberno-Norse Pennies (CNG117, 19-20 May, 2021, lot 1054).

IRELAND, Hiberno-Norse. Sihtric III Olafsson.

995-1036. AR Penny (19mm, 1.17g, 8h). Phase I coinage, Last Small Cross type. Dublin mint; ‘Ælfeln’ moneyer. Struck circa 1010-1016. + SIHTRC RE+ DYFL, diademed and draped bust left / + ÆLFELN MΘ DУFLLN, short cross pattée. O'S 24 var. (moneyer); SCBC 6117. Light champagne toning with minor peck marks obverse and reverse. Good VF, with trace luster. Very rare.

Bt Joe Linzalone (Wolfshead Gallery), May 2021.

DENMARK. Harald Blåtand (Bluetooth) Gormsen.

Circa 958/9-986. AR Halvbrakteat (18mm, 0.36g, 6h). Imitating class 2 deniers of Charlemagne from Dorestadt. Haithabu (Hedeby) mint. Struck circa 960s-970s. Large crescent flanked by two lines / Four parallel vertical lines; double crescent above. Malmer, Nordiska, Group KG 9b-c; Hauberg 1; Hauberg Collection 1-8. EF, attractive iridescent toning.

Bt Joe Linzalone (Wolfshead Gallery), March 2021.
Ex BRN Collection (CNG 109, lot 806).
Ex CNR XL.2 (Summer 2015), #407391.
Ex CNR XIX.4 (4Q 1994), #426.
Ex Joe Linzalone Collection, 1994.

For a recent analysis of this coinage, and place within the coinage of King Harald, see J. C. Moesgaard, King Harald’s Cross Coinage: Christian Coins for the Merchants of Haithabu and the King’s Soldiers (Copenhagen, 2015).

DENMARK. Knud II den Store (the Great).

1016/1018-1035. AR Penny (19mm, 1.17g, 9h). Imitation of Quatrefoil type of Cnut. Lund mint. Blundered legends. + ENVT ЯЗX DЗNOЯVM, crowned bust left / + (blundered legend), voided long cross over quatrefoil. Hauberg 3; Malmer 984.1962. Light dusky toning. VF. Very rare.

Ex Bruun Rasmussen 904, 2 Nov. 2021, lot 4.

DENMARK. Knud II den Store (the Great).

1018-1035. AR Penny (16.6mm, 1.09g, 12h). Imitation of Long Cross type of Æthelred. Lund mint; Grim, moneyer. + CNVT REX IN.D, draped bust left / + GR IM: ON L VND, the O double cut, voided long cross, with pellet at center and triple crescent ends. Becker K7/99D chain I (folder); Bruun 1323; Hauberg II, 23. Obverse die rusty. Near EF.

Bt Joe Linzalone (Wolfshead Gallery), Nov. 2021.
Ex Allan Williams Collection (Part II, Spink 18012, 3 July 2018, lot 305).
Ex ‘Viking’ collection, Spink 150, 14 March 2001, lot 1256.
Ex Hornung 31, 20 March 1989, lot 3.

DENMARK. Hardeknud (Knud III, the Hardy).

1035-1042. AR Penny (16mm, 1.07g, 8h). Lund mint; Outhinkarl, moneyer. Struck 1038-1040. + EÐELRED RE, helmeted and armored bust left / + ΘÐ ÐEN CΛR Θ LVD, voided long cross, with triple-crescent ends; crescents in first and third quarters. Hauberg 23 var.; Hauberg auction 553; CJB Æ1; Hild. type F, 2897; SCBC 1170. Attractive toning. EF.

Ex Bruun Rasmussen 904, 2 Nov. 2021, lot 5.

DENMARK. Hardeknud (Knud III, the Hardy).

1035-1042. AR Penny (18.5mm, 0.73g). Ribe mint. + ICIIIΘ ΘCII I, schematic bust left, wearing pyramidal helmet and holding trefoil scepter; small cross pattée to left / ·:· I:IIOIIVEVOVPICIIOII, tribrach with dotted borders, central small cross pattée. Cf. Hauberg 49 (for type); cf. Hede I, 36 (same); SCBC 1170. Attractive iridescent toning, light pecks. Near EF.

Bt Joe Linzalone (Wolfshead Gallery), March 2021.
Ex CNG eAuction 482, lot 608.
Ex Allan Williams Collection (Part II, Spink 18012, 3 July 2018, lot 322, unsold).
Ex Coin Galleries (13 February 1991), lot 1680.

DENMARK. Hardeknud (Knud III, the Hardy).

1035-1042. AR Penny (16.6mm, 0.80g, 11h). Orbaek mint. Blundered legends, crude bust left, cross pattée in front / cross within inner circle, crescent in each angle. Hauberg -, cf. 54 and 42; SCBC 1170. Attractive iridescent toning. Near EF.

Bt Joe Linzalone (Wolfshead Gallery), Nov. 2021.
Ex Allan Williams Collection (Part II, Spink 18012, 3 July 2018, lot 320).
Ex Davisson auction 8, 10 April 1997, lot 469.
Ex Oslo Mynthandel, April 1995, lot 1179.

DENMARK. Magnus (den Gode) Olufsen.

1042-1047. AR Penny (17mm, 0.92g, 6h). Lund mint. Blundered legends. Horse galloping left, cross on staff behind, derived from Agnus Dei / voided long cross, crescents at limb ends. Hauberg 15; Hauberg auction lot 691. Attractive iridescent toned, one light peck mark on reverse. Slightly wavy flan. EF. Very rare.

Ex The Poulsen Collection, Part III (Bruun Rasmussen 901, 3 May 2021, lot 12).

The reverse die is listed as number 232 in Carl Johan Becker’s book: "The coinages of Harthacnut and Magnus the Good at Lund, c. 1040 - c. 1046”.

DENMARK. Svend II Estridsen.

1047-1075. AR Penny (16mm, 0.95g, 3h). Roskilde mint; Thorth, moneyer. Cross fleurée with central pellet-in-annulet and trefoil and annulet terminals, runic inscription in legend / ornate "tapestry" pattern: central design consisting of pellet-in-annulets joined by double lines, runic inscription in legend above and below. Hauberg 39a; Hauberg auction 1092; Moltke 411. Light attractive champagne toning. Near EF. Very rare.

Ex Bruun Rasmussen 904, 2 Nov. 2021, lot 15.
Ex P. H. Knudsen VI (Thomas Høiland 137, 2010), lot 12.
Ex Johan Christian Holm.

DENMARK. Svend II Estridsen.

1047-1075. AR Penny (17mm, 0.68g, 9h). Viborg mint; Asgot, moneyer. + ASGOT, draped bust left with wild hair, holding cross-tipped scepter / + (blundered legend) voided long cross with triple-crescent ends and pellet at center; in each quarter, trefoil on pile. Hauberg 65. Light dusky toning. Near EF. Scarce variant with cross-tipped scepter.

Ex Bruun Rasmussen 904, 2 Nov. 2021, lot 19.

SWEDEN. Olof Skötkonung (the Treasurer).

995–1022. AR Penny (21mm, 2.58g, 3h). Sigtuna mint; Leofman, moneyer. + OΓΛF Λ REX ΛN COΓ, draped bust of Olof right; scepter to right / + ΓEN•ΛN MO TΛNC•, voided short cross; C R V X in angles, pellet in first and fourth quarters. Grierson, Coins of Medieval Europe 149 var. (moneyer, legends); Malmer dies 4.17/67; Person Group VI, Type A, 26; Lagerqvist 16c; Antell 8. Attractively toned. EF.

Bt Joe Linzalone (Wolfshead Gallery), May 2021.
Ex Richard A. Jourdan Collection (CNG Triton XXIII, 14-15 January 2020, lot 1215).
Ex CNG inventory, #886654 (January 2011).
Ex Ahlström 25 (17 April 1982), lot 68.

ANGLO-SCANDINAVIAN. temp. Svend I Tveskæg (Forkbeard).

Circa 995. AR Penny (19mm, 1.03g, 12h). Imitation of Æthelred II's CRUX type. + EDELRED REX (NC)LOI / + ELFTAN Π-O EΛXE. Malmer CNS 9 16.1018. VF. Toned, with some minor verdigris. Rare.

Bt Peter D’Haese (Feb., 2021).

ANGLO-SCANDINAVIAN. temp. Knud II den Store.

Circa 1016-1035. AR Penny (20.6mm, 1.41g, 3h). Imitation of Æthelred II's Small Cross obverse and Long Cross reverse. Blundered legends on both sides. Malmer CNS 9 die chain 132, 654.1317. Near VF. Toned. Rare.

Ex Bruun Rasmussen 2101 (10 Jan. 2021), lot 5037.

ANGLO-SCANDINAVIAN. temp. Knud II den Store.

Circa 1020. AR Penny (20.6mm, 2.14g, 12h). Southern Scandinavian imitation of Æthelred II's Long Cross type. Blundered legends on both sides. Malmer 284/-. EF. A few pack marks on a wavy flan with light champagne patina. Nice example of a hitherto unknown die combination.

Ex Bruun Rasmussen 2131 (8 Aug. 2021), lot 5061.

As one can see, I really made serious inroads into Viking era coinage. I've always been interested in this collecting area, but had always focused on other areas that now seem much more expensive and harder to find nice pieces. But now these Viking era coins seem to be getting expensive too. Just once I wish I can lead the market instead of following it!

How does one get a hater to stop hating?

I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com


  • StorkStork Posts: 5,206 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Wow, you had a fantastic year!

  • 1960NYGiants1960NYGiants Posts: 3,509 ✭✭✭✭

    Great post! Thank you for sharing.


    Life member #369 of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association
    Member of Canadian Association of Token Collectors

    Collector of:
    Canadian coins and pre-confederation tokens
    Darkside proof/mint sets dated 1960
    My Ebay
  • Bob13Bob13 Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Wow - fun to look at!

    Love the Offa provenance!

    My current "Box of 20"

  • jgennjgenn Posts: 744 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Nice! It's been a great, if pricier year, for collectors. I picked up 17 so far.

  • TwoKopeikiTwoKopeiki Posts: 9,740 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @jgenn said:
    Nice! It's been a great, if pricier year, for collectors. I picked up 17 so far.

    Hope you share them with the forum, Jack!

    @EVillageProwler - fantastic spread! The toning on that Halvbrakteat is 👌 but my favorite is probably the Coronation of Charles I medal.

  • bidaskbidask Posts: 14,017 ✭✭✭✭✭

    All beautiful and original specimens .

    Congratulations on getting those !

    I manage money. I earn money. I save money .
    I give away money. I collect money.
    I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.

  • EVillageProwlerEVillageProwler Posts: 5,856 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the comments!

    @TwoKopeiki said:

    @EVillageProwler - fantastic spread! The toning on that Halvbrakteat is 👌 but my favorite is probably the Coronation of Charles I medal.

    You can see them in ~ 6 weeks or so.

    @jgenn said:
    Nice! It's been a great, if pricier year, for collectors. I picked up 17 so far.

    Please share if you have the time...

    How does one get a hater to stop hating?

    I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com

  • BailathaclBailathacl Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭

    A remarkable collecting year by any measure. Really great.

    "The Internet? Is that thing still around??" - Homer Simpson
  • 291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,456 ✭✭✭✭✭

    An outstanding selection of coins! Truly history in your hands.

    All glory is fleeting.
  • SmEagle1795SmEagle1795 Posts: 2,180 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Congratulations on a wonderful year!

    Learn about our world's shared history told through the first millennium of coinage: Colosseo Collection
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,701 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The few I know anything about are remarkable coins.

    No doubt the others are as well.

    Tempus fugit.
  • StellaStella Posts: 708 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for sharing! Nice photos and write-ups.

    I also made it to only one show this year. It is odd to think about but worked out fine regardless.

    Coin collector since childhood and New York Numismatist at Heritage Auctions.
  • worldcoinguyworldcoinguy Posts: 3,019 ✭✭✭✭

    EVP - Great write up and presentation. You pulled in some amazing pieces. If I had to pick a favorite, it might be the Charles I 60 shillings.
    You have me thinking about a similar year end wrapup..... I added a few that I didn't get a chance to share around here.

  • EVillageProwlerEVillageProwler Posts: 5,856 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 11, 2021 8:08AM

    Thanks to everyone for the nice feedback.

    @worldcoinguy said:
    EVP - Great write up and presentation. You pulled in some amazing pieces. If I had to pick a favorite, it might be the Charles I 60 shillings.
    You have me thinking about a similar year end wrapup..... I added a few that I didn't get a chance to share around here.

    I'd love to read your wrap up! And the Scottish 60/- is one of my favorite pieces too.

    How does one get a hater to stop hating?

    I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com

  • EVillageProwlerEVillageProwler Posts: 5,856 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Stella said:
    Thank you for sharing! Nice photos and write-ups.

    I also made it to only one show this year. It is odd to think about but worked out fine regardless.

    Nice chatting with you last night. You said something last night that (finally) struck out at me: that I consistently buy pieces in high grade. Thanks, but as you can see doing that with Scandinavian Viking imitative issues is an impossible task. And actually these imitations were also issued across northern and eastern Europe surrounding the Baltic Sea, and by early Germanic and Slavic communities.

    How does one get a hater to stop hating?

    I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com

  • StellaStella Posts: 708 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @EVillageProwler Sorry for being absent from the forums for a bit. Yes, I can imagine this is not an easy task! But a worthwhile one.

    Coin collector since childhood and New York Numismatist at Heritage Auctions.
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