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When did the mint start to include COAs with Mint Proof Sets?

Herb_THerb_T Posts: 1,752 ✭✭✭✭✭

When did the mint start to include COAs with Mint Proof Sets? Anyone know the first year that they started adding the COA?


  • 1986 was the first year that proof sets included COAs.

    1986 COAs were dated "1986".

    1987-1998 used a few different types of generic, non-dated COAs.

  • Herb_THerb_T Posts: 1,752 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @slimbert said:
    1986 was the first year that proof sets included COAs.

    1986 COAs were dated "1986".

    1987-1998 used a few different types of generic, non-dated COAs.

    Thank you!

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