Bush chronicles set
Will this set be pulled on December? Are sets in sealed mint boxes considered first strike eligible considering there was a 35,000 mintage limit? Does anyone have current sales numbers? Might pick up a few.
Will this set be pulled on December? Are sets in sealed mint boxes considered first strike eligible considering there was a 35,000 mintage limit? Does anyone have current sales numbers? Might pick up a few.
Let us know. I might get one since I have all the others except one (Ike, I think).
Latest Mint sales report says 8,945 sold as of the end of last week. Sales are slow.
will the RP Bush Dollar be registry set required?
first strike ended months ago. if the box ships today and it is sealed ... it does not matter because the first strike deadline has passed
Thanks for the info, didn't know if they would qualify them all as first strike with a mintage of only 35000. Do they pull the rest at the end of the year? The website says it is limited which seems strange as they have over 25000 unsold. Could be a sleeper.
Generally the commemoratives are required by law to be sold only in that calendar year. These get pulled at the end of the year.
This set is relatively new on the release schedule, it’s not going to get pulled so soon
Latest sales total, as of the end of last week: 9,005.
Its been available in the mornings. I agree with Ms.M they will probably be pulled at the end of the year 😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
The RP Bush dollars are 2020 mintages (not released until 2021) . Is there a specific time period after death until a presidential dollar coin is minted/issued? I don't believe they minted any Proof Bush dollars only 2020-P/D rolls and bags, a 2020-P coin with spouse medal, and this (2020 RP with medals) chronicles set. Sep 17th-Dec 31st is very short sale window.
Presidential dollars require 2 years to pass since death.
This set will be on sale for years, and they will still have 20,000 left to destroy. What were they thinking with 35,000 mintage and that price?
They should include them in the 'Last Chance' sale at half off. Maybe they will in a couple years....
Thanks for the answer, I agree, it will be interesting to see the disposition of these.
The Mint does not always strike coins or medals to the maximum allowed at the start. That is why some go into "backorder" status. My guess is they will not have many to "destroy" at all. Probably only minted the first 10,000 and then waited to see actual demand.
No sleeper here.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
I’m saying they remain past December
I believe will last well into 2022. These have REMAINED available since first released.
What is the lowest mintage/released US Dollar coin?
That Barbara Bush coin is a real thriller!!
I bought one, wanted the RP and that was the one coin that didn't look so great. Thought about buying another, but $120.00 has slowed me down....I have a feeling they won't last past December though.
....I have a feeling they won't last past December though.
December of what year?
This will be a very popular Christmas choice so they should sell out this December after months of nothing we expect big spike in demand ... flippers get ready!