Who put out the hit on Jon Gruden?

Brent Musberger told Jon Gruden that he believes those leaked emails were a professional hit. So who leaked those emails, who put out the hit on Gruden?
Brent Musburger’s Comment On Jon Gruden Is Going Viral
Former college football announcer turned Las Vegas Raiders radio play-by-play man Brent Musburger has shared his opinion on what happened to Jon Gruden.
Gruden was fired by the Las Vegas Raiders earlier this season, when problematic emails leaked to the media. The Wall Street Journal reported that Gruden used homophobic and misogynistic language, as well as a racist trope, in emails sent during his time in the broadcasting booth.
Musburger, who now serves as the Las Vegas Raiders radio announcer, reveals what he told Gruden about the situation.
“As I told Coach, whoever took you out, Jon, that was a paid assassin,” Musburger told J.T. The Brick of the Las Vegas Sports Network. “That was one of the best hit jobs that I’ve ever been around. They didn’t go to their media goombahs. They didn’t leak this to Adam Schefter or one of those guys that breaks stories. They first went to the Wall Street Journal. And when Gruden was still coaching after that, then they dumped the rest of it on the New York Times. That was a professional hit job.”
Musburger believes the “hit” might’ve come from outside the league office.
“There was a second lawsuit involved, OK?” Musburger said. “Between the owner, [Daniel] Snyder of Washington, and a former General Manager. And that means that a lot of outside people had access to those emails that they were going through. So I think the hardest part for Gruden’s lawyers to prove is that somebody from the National Football League actually leaked that. Because if it is somebody from the NFL, shame on them. Because Mark Davis should have been told in the summer, when he had something to do about it.”
Gruden is reportedly suing the National Football League as as result of his email leaks and firing.
That's also my guess, I think Goodell had Gruden whacked.
I haven't paid much attention, but if I remember correctly Gruden did send e-mails that Goodell probably found to be personally deprecating . And Goodell's power and and ego are larger than one might imagine.
Here is something that I find rather interesting in hindsight. Do any of you remember when Gruden traded Khalil Mack to the Bears? There was a lot of negativity thrown Gruden's way for that decision. I remember reading through multiple stories about the trade, and getting a gut-feeling inference that they were setting Gruden up to be seen as a racist. Seriously. It would make sense if this was all in the works for some time.
This mystery is very interesting, who leaked the emails? It's like when everyone was trying to figure out who deepthroat was from the watergate scandal. Jon Gruden is Richard Nixon. Is Roger Goodell deepthroat?
Yes, I am going to be investigating this story, I just have to know who deepthroat is, who squealed on Jon Nixon?
Let's have a look at some of the suspects who could possibly have leaked those emails.
Suspect #1: Roger Goodell
Roger Goodell is the best possible suspect in my opinion, after reading what Jon Gruden said about him in those emails, he would have been furious, and his precious ego would have forced him to seek revenge. If he did leak those emails to The Wall Street Journal, he would've been disguised when he did so.
Suspect #2: Urban Meyer
This is a bit of a stretch, but is it? A diabolical man, Urban Meyer was under heavy scrutiny at the time due to the lap dance scandal, could Meyer have found a way to leak those emails to get the media off of his back about the lap dance scandal?
Suspect #3: Shad Kahn
Another bit of a stretch, but is it? A rich and powerful man with connections, maybe Shad Khan wanted the media off of Urban Meyer's back so Urban and the Jags could focus on football.
Suspect #4: Daniel Snyder
Just look at the man, his organization has become a joke, he would leak the emails just for kicks!
Suspect #5: Mark Davis
Is Mark Davis behind this whole thing? I doubt it, he and Jon Gruden are buddies, heck, they even have the same haircut.
Suspect #6: Aaron Rodgers
It's not too hard to imagine Aaron Rodgers leaking the emails, just look at the man, he looks like he belongs in a mugshot photo.
Suspect #7: Stephen A. Smith
Stephen A. Smith has criticized Jon Gruden in the past, but would he go so far as to leak those emails?
The real Deepthroat turned out to be the number 2 man in the FBI at the time of the Watergate scandal, his name was W. Mark Felt.
So who will turn out to be the deepthroat of the Jon Gruden emails scandal, who actually hated Jon Gruden enough to leak those emails, only time will tell, hopefully the truth will one day surface.
Well done @doubledragon . You can clock out and go home early if you choose. Keep up the good work!
i can't imagine a worse moniker
"hey, wanna invite deep throat over to watch the game?"
"how about let's not and say we did"
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Not so fast, there's one last suspect we haven't discussed, a man so sick, so twisted, so crazy, so diabolical, that he is capable of anything, and I'll just bet, he is in fact the man who leaked those emails for reasons we can only dream of imagining.
this guy gets my vote
I figure if he'll do this, he's capable of anything
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Skip Bayless, interesting theory, and the plot thickens. 🤔
I thought it was Linda Lovelace
I knew that name would pop up in this thread eventually.
For some reason, Mark Davis keeps popping up in my mind, I can't place my finger on it but there's something fishy about the man, could he have betrayed Jon Gruden the same way he betrayed his own hair?
Ah heck.
The Illuminati
The question becomes a legal one. Who had a responsibility to keep those emails protected? If it were the NFL, does the mismanagement (leaking) of the emails warrant financial damages by Gruden?
Proving who exactly leaked them will be very difficult but does it matter? I would imagine the account that they came from matters. If Gruden was an NFL employee or an employee of an NFL team, then having them leaked could matter. However, if he was using an ESPN email or a personal email, I'm not sure the NFL has any responsibility to protect that information.
Goodell is a lawyer. The NFL employs a lot of smart lawyers. I would find it hard to believe Gruden wins his lawsuit or will ever know what happened.
At the end of the day, someone took away from Gruden what really matters. Even if he were to collect some monetary damages, it won't replace what was taken away from him. He's screwed.
Double D you might add this little fella to your list of suspects but personally I believe

toddler Andy is way too smart to have a hand in this. He would know like the rest of us Chiefs
fans that it would be in our best interests to have Gruden continue as head coach of the Raiders
or else they may find someone competent enough to turn them into a contender.
It's ok, no problem, toddler Andy is in the clear for now, Jon has his own suspicions.
I find the selective manner the emails were released to be disgusting. I say release them all then have thirty to fifty more people lose their jobs.
Goodell is actually not a lawyer, and I have read that he is somewhat insecure because of this.
I don't like Gruden at all but it was just more interesting in the AFC west when he was coaching the Raiders.
I still believe they will implode year after year like always but it was more of a guaranteed thing with Gruden.
Being a lawyer is nothing to brag about.
These all came from our courts.
Question: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep,
he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
Answer: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
Q: The youngest son, the twenty year old, how old is he?
Q: Were you present when your picture was taken?
Q: So the date of conception of the baby was August 8th?
A: Yes
Q: And what were you doing at that time?
Q:Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?
A: All my autopsies are performed on dead people.
Q: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for breathing?
A: No.
Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
A: No.
Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
Q: But could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
A: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere.
And my personal favorite........................
Q: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo or the occult?
A: We both do.
Q: Voodoo?
A: We do.
Q: You do?
A: Yes voodoo.
Not so fast, a new suspect has emerged, the man who told Jon Gruden that this was a professional hit, one Brent Musberger.
You're correct. I was thinking of the NBA commish - he's a lawyer.
If you send an email to someone else in most cases they are free to do whatever they wish with it (there of course exceptions such as communications with your lawyer) so I don’t think anyone had a responsibility to keep those emails secret. My understanding is that he was not an NFL employee at the time but even if he was I don’t think that changes anything. You generally have no expectation of privacy in emails sent using your employer’s property. If Gruden didn’t want people to see his stupid racist opinions he shouldn’t have put them in print and sent them to other people. He has no one to blame but himself.
I agree with this for the most part, typing anything out in todays world is not a smart play if you don’t want anyone but the recipient to ever see it that is.
I do believe that a private correspondence should hold no legal legs though, a private conversation is not malicious behavior in my opinion
I think when you use slurs and denigrate groups of people it is malicious even if it is a private conversation. Malicious means intending to do harm. Gruden was clearly intending to harm the reputation or perception off the people he was talking about even if his audience was limited to a few people. Not sure what the term “legal legs” is supposed to mean but there was no action by a court or law enforcement here. The raiders were not legally required to fire him because of those emails. In most cases employers can fire you for any reason or no reason at all. Gruden’s racist, homophobic and mysoginistic emails were made public and so the raiders had to decide wether the wanted to keep someone like that as the face of their franchise. If you were a public face of your company and got in the news for saying or doing repulsive things I don’t think you would be surprised if your company fires you.
I did not look through everything Gruden said. I did see that in 2011 one of his e-mails supposedly had him talking about the size of a black man's lips. In my own life, as I got older, I realized that it is best to not even comment on appearance. We joke around here abut people wearing funny clothes, etc, but I feel as though that is different. The way God made us, whether it is our face, or size, etc is just the way we are. So of course, Gruden is not perfect. But I think there is more here than just him saying things in e-mails that can be seen as inappropriate and getting fired. If an investigation went back through all of anyone's emails for a decade plus, I am sure in most instances they could find things said that are regrettable. But why was Gruden the only one targeted? The NFL , if I remember correctly, said that these were the only e-mails that contained any inappropriate comments. Is this really believable? And as for comments seen as racist, if you want to start really digging through what everyone has ever said, a lot of people might get fired or let go. The NFL is a majority black league. How about combing through every players email and social media for the last fifteen years and releasing, banning, etc every player who ever did anything offensive. How about every black player who ever said anything negative about white people. Would there be a league? How about every coach. Would there be enough coaches? How about all of us. Would there be a sports talk forum?
I agree they seemed to have singled out Gruden for some reason and I think they should release the rest of the emails but that doesn’t mean Gruden didn’t do something wrong. Beyond the emails with hurtful racial stereotypes he mocked female referees and used homophobic slurs repeatedly. I don’t think this is an instance of someone just telling some off color jokes to his friend. He seems to be a genuine bigot. If you went through my emails you wouldn’t find anything remotely similar. Also nobody made the Raiders fire him. They decided they didn’t want someone like that representing them. Are you saying that a private company shouldn’t be able to decide to make that kind of decision for themselves?