Sewage pours all over Washington fans

in Sports Talk
They have a serious problem at Fed Ex field in Washington, sewage water has been pouring on fans, it happened last night at the Seattle game, and it's not the first time, here's the video from last night.
And it happened back in September at the home opener against the Chargers, here's the video.
Wastewater Football Team
apparently it wasn't sewage raining down on those fans
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
This is very disappointing news, I was working on some very good dingleberry jokes, and now they have to go to waste, I might as well flush them down the toilet!
I’m thinking that writer is full of it up until where they were not in the box stinking. Though, how many people were stink bombed and how many went home?
Anyway, my problem with the story is that the water from my toilet doesn’t trickle out drip, drip, drip.
Also, the pipes in my place provide surround sound. You can hear it go down and it is not a trickle.
The writer is 1. A writer 2. A sports writer and 3. Wouldn’t contact a plumber much less an engineer that would design plumbing for a Large Facility.
I’m not buying his crap
well, if you're right and that writer is wrong, then i'd really, really, really love to know what the owners suite smelled like after this happened
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Man, I'm loving this scandal, it is action packed, I've never felt so alive. Now don't get me wrong, although I am praying for the right outcome.