Received a leather bound Pogue catalog free from Stacks

I received a very nice leather bound copy of the March 20, 2020 Stack's Bowers Galleries catalog of "The D. Brent Pogue Collection, Masterpieces of United States Coinage, Part VII" yesterday, free of charge. I bought his Mercury dime short set in a Capital holder, but it's not in this catalog.
Anyone else receive one?
nice to know not all of the premiums are going toward the office Christmas party.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
It sounds like they overprinted it and were looking for a tax write off, turning it into a promotional gift.
I didnt get one....
One of my Mercury dime buddies received one also.
The Mercury dime short dime set I bought from the Pogue colection was not that big of a deal, so wondering how/why I qualified to get one.
What did your friend get in the auction?
I received one. I purchased the Jefferson Nickel Capital Holder set.
So, tokens (ha!) of goodwill
Did not get one
Mine just came in the mail yesterday. I purchased a 1957-P Washington Quarter. Not an expensive coin buy I wanted at least one Pogue coin for my collection. I did bid the 1937-D and was the second high bidder. I really wanted that coin. Maybe someday it will come up for auction again.
The catalog is fantastic and great photos of the coins.
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
Didn't get a nice catalog but I have been a fan of the Pogue auctions since the first one! I just love to see the major collections come to auction .....
This may be a wrong question but does anyone know what happened to Brent Pogue?
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
he died a few years ago