@thisistheshow said:
I'm watching the game. Sometimes when I watch I will be on a laptop doing other things. I this case, I can also post here. Ill be back! maybe
I just don't want you to think you have to be tied to this thread today. I have no choice but to be here, I have nowhere else to go, I live here, in a little green tent, underneath the collectors universe logo, if you look hard enough you can see me.
@doubledragon said:
I'm getting a cramp in my stomach, I'm not sure what's causing it, eating too much turkey or watching the Bears try to pick up a first down.
Or watching the amount of holds on Detroit, it’s surreal
Ok, up next it's my team, the Cowboys. Mustache Jerry Jones would like to take this time to remind everyone to donate to your local Salvation Army this holiday, you'll feel a lot better about yourself!
@thisistheshow said:
The Cowboys, if they are what they want us to think they are, should take over this game in the second half.
This is ridiculous, the Cowboys have too much talent to be down 4 points at home to the Raiders on Thanksgiving, mustache Jerry Jones is pissed right now!
@thisistheshow said:
The Cowboys, if they are what they want us to think they are, should take over this game in the second half.
This is ridiculous, the Cowboys have too much talent to be down 4 points at home to the Raiders on Thanksgiving, mustache Jerry Jones is pissed right now!
They are missing both Cooper and Lamb though don’t forget
@thisistheshow said:
The Cowboys, if they are what they want us to think they are, should take over this game in the second half.
This is ridiculous, the Cowboys have too much talent to be down 4 points at home to the Raiders on Thanksgiving, mustache Jerry Jones is pissed right now!
They are missing both Cooper and Lamb though don’t forget
Yes, that is hurting us badly right now, we just can't get much going.
Oh no, we just had to punt again, I can't take this anymore, it's not fair, this is Thanksgiving, the Raiders are going to win, put me down, unhand me!
Hello @doubledragon. I am thankful for this opportunity to discuss today's games. I might just do that. Time will tell...
Hello @thisistheshow, I am thankful for your presence on this thread, you're more than welcome to discuss today's action. 🖒
Im thinking today is the day that the Lions put a W back on the menu.
I hope not, I picked the Bears! 😂😂
I picked the Lions
You don't have to stay glued to this thread all day, enjoy time with your family.
I know that. Thank you! We will be eating in about forty five minutes. Until then I was just checking in. I will be back with some observations, maybe
I'm watching the game. Sometimes when I watch I will be on a laptop doing other things. I this case, I can also post here. Ill be back! maybe
I just don't want you to think you have to be tied to this thread today. I have no choice but to be here, I have nowhere else to go, I live here, in a little green tent, underneath the collectors universe logo, if you look hard enough you can see me.
Come on Dalton, stupid throw, inter-freakin-ception!
Bears lead 13-7 at the half, hear us roar!
Geez, watching these two offenses try to move the ball is enough to make you lose your pumpkin pie.
Touchdown, Lions just took the lead, god the Bears are awful.
1 quarter to play, Detroit could get the W and salt away the firing of Nagy!!
I'm getting a cramp in my stomach, I'm not sure what's causing it, eating too much turkey or watching the Bears try to pick up a first down.
i cant post too often in this thread today, but I figured this would be an excruciating game. i was hoping to watch justin fields play.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Or watching the amount of holds on Detroit, it’s surreal
This is a hard game to watch, I just knew it would be, two garbage teams!
Of course, I'm kind of used to this, being a Panthers fan.
2:00 to go in the game, it's 14-13 Lions lead, the Bears are in field goal range.
First down Bears, run this clock down and kick the field goal, don't screw this up!
Bears - 16
Lions - 14
My parrot learned a new phrase to speak today - "Holding, Offense!"
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Too bad the Lions lost, I was rooting for them to get their first W
They are a terrible team and the coaches are clueless.
A hard game to watch, I kept dozing off, I'm not sure if it was the game that made me sleepy or the tryptophan, my guess is the game.
I watched the first half intermittently. Ate. Came back to the game at the two minute warning.
Based on what I watched and what I saw in replays, this was basically a taffy pull with a little extra juice.
Ok, up next it's my team, the Cowboys. Mustache Jerry Jones would like to take this time to remind everyone to donate to your local Salvation Army this holiday, you'll feel a lot better about yourself!
Touchdown Cowboys, yee haw!
Touchdown Cowboys, yee haw again!
I can't believe we went for a 59 yard field goal, I'm going to have to have a talk with Mike about that.
Luke Combs is performing the halftime show? I guess Will Smith wasn't available, that's a shame, Jerry wanted to get jiggy with it!
The Cowboys, if they are what they want us to think they are, should take over this game in the second half.
This is ridiculous, the Cowboys have too much talent to be down 4 points at home to the Raiders on Thanksgiving, mustache Jerry Jones is pissed right now!
They are missing both Cooper and Lamb though don’t forget
Yes, that is hurting us badly right now, we just can't get much going.
And dang it, the Raiders just scored!
We just took it to the house, touchdown Cowboys!
Our defense is tired, we just got popped for pass interference.
Raiders just got us for a field goal, we're down 27-19.
We just got a 41 yard pass, come on boys!
Cowboys touchdown negated because of a dang holding call, we get a field goal, it's 27-22 Raiders lead.
The Raiders just hit us for a deep pass, we're going to lose this game, at home, on Thanksgiving, I can't take this anymore!
Game stills in range
But raiders have answers
Oh no, we just had to punt again, I can't take this anymore, it's not fair, this is Thanksgiving, the Raiders are going to win, put me down, unhand me!
R McD the clown
From the good old days
When he knew animal fat made better fries
The game is tied, the game is tied, we scored, we got the 2 point conversion!
Oh no, the Raiders are getting near field goal range!
This is too much, the stress is too much!
2:00 warning, we're all tied at 30-30, the Raiders are close to field goal range.
Oh my god no, the Raiders just kicked a 56 yard field goal to take the lead!