When Can We Enroll for the 2022 Morgan & Peace Dollars?

I'm not seeing them on the enrollment list yet?
For those with enrollments, when do the next year's items usually become available to check off?
And how do they handle HHLs in an enrollment?
There is an enrollments page on the site somewhere.
The HHL is enforced when signing up for the enrollment.
They won’t be available via enrollment
The 2022 morgans will be just like the 2021 morgan and peace dollars. No enrollment -- Just open season on the day of ordering them. Good hunting for all interested.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
Not true...I believe the 2022's will be available via enrollment.
Why? Have they announced that?
Edited to add
On page 1, in the first paragraph, of the 11/29 issue of Coin World, they said that the 2022 Morgan and Peace dollars "would likely" be via subscription rather than via pre-sales.
And here a Mint spokesman also said that the 2022 coins will "hopefully" be available via subscription.
A mint survey I completed today ask if I was interested in a 2022 Morgan/Peace two coin reverse proof set for $195! I said yes, of course.
What does it mean -available by subscription?
Where can you get the mint survey?
Link to Mint Enrollments Program
I received mine via e-mail.
Did not request it; it just showed up.
I went the exact opposite and said not interested in reverse proofs
Just proofs for me
And I’ll post the warning here, too
The 2022 Morgan/peace questions are at the end of the survey. Before you get there you have to answer intrusive personal questions without the possibility of “rather not say”
Hopefully they are targeting focus groups of numismatists as well as surveys.
I wonder if they will be the 'High Quality' the 2021 issues were?
I do not like it either. So, when I encounter this type of issue, I simply do not provide accurate answers.
IIRC, this time around I was 8-10 year old, and retired.
The survey also asked "age" and "race" questions...with "Prefer not to answer" options...which is valid for determining collector demographics...
Let me help you out...we're 99.99% older cranky men who can clearly remember when silver coins were what we called pocket change!!!
With the emphasis on numismatists
[With the emphasis on numismatists]
I stand corrected...89.99% cranky old numismatics...and 10% flippers/crypto bananas/sneaker hoarders...and a partridge in a pear tree!
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Right now the flippers are buying anything and everything.
What’s good long-term for the hobby wouldn’t come from them
I guess I am in the other 0.01%
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
With flippers...I have visions of coin collecting becoming baseball card collecting...circa 1999...too many options, too few collectors, and prices crashing across the board.
Says the owner of a Mark McGuire rookie card that was worth $1000 for a few minutes...(although I actually got it as part of a complete set in his rookie year for less than $1)!