Is the USPS becoming leery of thir employees or Temp. Help?

I just noticed today printing shipping labels off ebay the packages which I shipped insured don't have insured printed in the upper information box like they used to.
I just noticed today printing shipping labels off ebay the packages which I shipped insured don't have insured printed in the upper information box like they used to.
Shoulda never been there. Good riddance.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
Yeah, One thing that tics me off at ebay is they include your username in the return address which I promptly obliterate since my username has coin in it! This is just for packages using ebay's service, you can edit it out for USPS shipments.
You can change that in the settings. Mine is just abbreviated.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
This has to do with EBay and not the USPS. I go to the local Post Office and when I insure my packages no where do I see them stamp 'Insured'. Huh?
Please show me where you can on ebay standard delivery! The new 1st class rate for items under $20 or standard international shipping. This is the only shipping ebay takes from your balance. All others are charged to my CC so it is a different department.
I've looked for a way to edit the return address for eBay standard envelope shipments, but have not been able to find anything. There's a way to edit your "Shipped From" address in your account settings, but no provision for showing (or not) your user id.