Stories from week 10

in Sports Talk
Here are a few stories and highlights from week 10 in the NFL.
Here are a few stories and highlights from week 10 in the NFL.
The Lions vs Steelers game yesterday ended in a 16-16 tie, it was an ugly game and very hard to watch.
Buffalo and Dallas lay down last week making idiots of themselves and look like Super Bowl teams this week.
Denver looked amazing last week and sat on their rear ends and made fools of themselves this week.
Mike White was/is a fraud
The Lions had a chance to win the game yesterday in overtime with a field goal, but the field goal attempt was horrible and never even had a chance. I was going to post a video of the field goal attempt, but YouTube and now Twitter won't allow me to post the video here because the NFL has copyrights over it. I'm so sick of the NFL not allowing videos to be watched from here, what harm is it going to cause, I can't take it anymore, I want a piece of Roger Goodell, I want a piece of him right now, anyplace anytime Roger, I've had it with him!
That Lions/Steelers game was as DD said, "very hard to watch." I've been watching the Lions this year to keep track of Goff. I'm ready to throw in the towel. I have been a big fan of Goff and thought his problems last year were because of a hand injury. But...he just keeps making the same mistakes that he did when he was a Ram. No adjustments. No improvement. He had a couple of good seasons. Now...I just don't know. It's like The Lovely Mrs Hydrant said, "He run like a girl.". Why does she always have to be right?
Here you go Roger, you can't stop this one from being viewed big daddy!
Pete Carroll challenged a call yesterday during the first half of the Seahawks vs Packers game and evidently he couldn't find his challenge flag so threw something bizarre out of his pocket, check it out.
It was a electronic hand warmer, Carroll threw an electonic hand warmer on the field!
Man, my phone is ridiculously slow, it is taking forever to do anything, I need to erase some of my pictures, memes, and gifs, but it's just so hard to let go of them.
Teddy Bridgewater is getting roasted for his non effort to tackle Darius Slay yesterday against the Eagles, check it out, Bridgewater is number 5 for the Broncos.
Yesterday during the Panthers vs Cardinals game, Cam Newton scored a touchdown and after he scored he yelled, "I'm baaaack", and opened his mouth real wide as you can see in this photo.
Cam Newton's "I'm baaaaack" war cry is already being made into a shirt.
What Cam Newton needs to remember is, the Cardinals didn't have Kyler Murray yesterday, so let's just stop pumping up our high heels Mr. Newton!
Mike White was an interception machine yesterday against the Bills.
A young Falcons fan, watching her team play yesterday.
It just kills me, the hype mike White has received, some of his cards on ebay are over $10k, and Mike White says he should have been the number 1 overall pick in the draft, what a joke, the Jets are never going to win a Super Bowl.
The Jets last Super Bowl party....
Mike White is a fraud. Hope the jets cut him.
Washington Redskins, another bunch of clowns beat up Tom Brady and the Bucs. I hope Tommy and his cohorts are thoroughly embarrassed. They deserve to get ridiculed
Cam Newton better not start causing a big circus with his wardrobes and become a distraction, like he has in the past, always having to be the center of attention.
And now, a live satellite image of Cam Newton's tie knot....