Does PCGS have a 4 coin holder?

4 coin holder with individual labels for each coin? The largest coin is bigger than a nickel and the smallest is smaller that a dime.
4 coin holder with individual labels for each coin? The largest coin is bigger than a nickel and the smallest is smaller that a dime.
Had to call PCGS this AM on an unrelated matter, so I asked about this.
Was told that they do not currently offer holders for more than two coins.
The rep THOUGHT that they MIGHT be available to bulk submitters, but was not positive.
Seems right. I asked exactly the same of the other guys and they reponded with "yes, we have a 4 coin holder but only for bulk submissions. We would gladly bust up that gold 4-coin set for you and put them in individual holders". Yea but noooo.
USAF veteran 1984-2005
I have a nice 1687 Maundy Money set. Made up of 4 coins, 1 thru 4 Pence. I want to keep them together…
Here is a link on what Maundy Money is…. is Maundy Money? Maundy Money are coins,penny, two pence, three pence and four pence.
You will to send it across the street.
Overland Trail Collection Showcase
Dahlonega Type Set-2008 PCGS Best Exhibited Set
I am not sure that is an option.
Per their website, the NGC "multi-coin holders" are "only available for select bulk submissions of certain coin types."
Edited to Add:
@PapiNE already posted this information. Sorry for the repeat.