Another CAC Question

I am interested in sending in a coin to CAC but they are not accepting new members and unfortunately, there are no coin dealers near me. I am curious…what do others do? Do you ship your coin(s) to a trusted dealer to submit for you?
Picture of the coin I want to submit is attached and has been shown before. 😃
Collector of Circulated Winged Liberty Head Dimes (Mercury Dimes)
find someone you trust
There are a couple of options, yes if you have a good relationship with a dealer who has the ability to submit to CAC (most do but not all) then you could arrange to send it to him for submission. Another option is to work with another collector that you know/trust who has submission privileges and have that person submit. The final option is to apply yourself and wait until you are approved.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
I became a member a few years ago. The process takes a couple months. If you can wait a few months, submit the forms (I believe the application is on their site). If not find a member and submit thru that person.
They just indicated they got my latest submission today.
Coins are in house up to 10 days. They return mail Registered Mail which is stupid slow. Last box took 3 weeks to return.
I believe this fast track still works. It at least gets you to the top of the waiting list.
That seems a little unfair to play favorites. I’m glad that I joined long before the “waitlist” and such.