The referee hip check

in Sports Talk
Did you see this last night during the Steelers vs Bears game.
Did you see this last night during the Steelers vs Bears game.
Marsh was called for taunting, which he denies that he did, and the referee hip checks him, is this what happened, I didn't watch the game?
I saw that and the penalty was for taunting
Commentary said it was opposing side stare down. Very subjective
I wish they would institute the same anti-taunting rules for basketball. The ridiculous stare downs when someone that is almost 7 feet dunks gets old quick.
the taunting call was terrible and what looks like an intentional "hip-check" is beyond belief.
Marsh absolutely did walk toward and stare at the Steelers' bench. If you wanna be really, really strict on the rule, it could be interpreted as taunting.
What Corrente did needs no such strict interpretation. He 100% intentionally hip checked Marsh after looking at him to see where he was. He should be suspended, at the very least.
I need to have the NFL explain to me why what Marsh did is so egregious, yet demonstrations which happen throughout games are deemed OK. why is it OK for the entire defense to run half the length of the field after a fumble recovery or interception to mug in the end zone?? that isn't taunting?? how often during games do you see a defender wag his finger at the bench or a player after an incomplete pass?? what about players like TJ Watt and his post sack celebration?? how burned out are you with players indicating first-down after a catch or run??
these are all celebrations that strike me as being the same thing, the actions of Marsh included.
the NFL is a pretty emotional game, the League and its TV affiliations know that and build on it to maximum advantage. they ramp up the rivalries, increase awareness of the important games, encourage fan involvement. players are so pumped up with adrenaline just because of the way they play and what they're trying to do on the field that I can only imagine it's nearly impossible for them to contain the emotion.
after decades of encouraging the "entertainment" value of NFL games the League has realized it's a little out of control. this latest stuff is their ill-conceived way to reign things in. it is only natural that it is being seen as selective, affecting certain Teams in key situations. don't forget, it's the NFL and that whack-job commissioner, led by the owners, responsible for what's taking place.
we should expect nothing less.